Like the color blue. What did you think I was talking about?
I think an alt-win besides banking solely on Azor's would be good. If your entire deck is defensively-based, you'll really be facing problems if your Azor's are removed in some way.
There is too much black in this deck. Needs more blue. Yes.
You see... I think you need more blue in this deck.
Meow. Meow.
I think the lands you are suggesting are very expensive. Yes.
Blue has lots of aggravated creatures.
Nah, too much green. I think more blue would help out the deck.
Needs more potatoes.
Well, I'm thinking the name of the deck could really do with some work. Have you considered something fierce, like "Unstoppable Evolution"? I considered the name you have for a while, and it dawned on me that maybe "Unstopable Evolution" sounds strange with the long "o" sound. I mean, I don't know what "abling" an "unstop" is. Strange.
Why is Neurok Invisiomancer in the deck when he has nothing valuable of yours to make unblockable?
If you want to boost defenses even more, you could even go for Hedron-Field Purists or a Transcendent Master. As for flying support in Clerics, there isn't much-- Aven Redeemer or Glarecaster, maybe. I just want to get out Bloodgift Demon, flavorwise.But thanks for introducing me to Edgewalker. Such a cool ability!
Instead of discouraging people from a hobby that you enjoy, why not provide constructive criticism that could lead to improvements for the deck? The point of this website is to collaborate on deck-building to create an environment that fosters the growth of all players. If you don't like the deck and have no instructions for how to improve the deck, you have no reason to comment and can seethe to yourself quietly. If, on the other hand, you believe that you know how to make a better deck, please show us that you are capable of doing as such.
Cool! Thanks for sharing.
My thoughts so far: remove a land or two, flying support (reach creatures?), better finisher. Not sure.
Here's an example of a good use of Grimoire Thief. I just made the deck out of sudden inspiration I had. I have no clue how well it will do, as, again, it's fresh. Plus, it is kinda sorta cheap.
I would suggest just a regular Mana Leak for the counterspell. If you want to go really fancy, consider a remand, but they are crazy expensive. That could go well with you discard mechanic, too. My personal favorite counterspell is rune snag.As for the Grimoire Thief, I would say removing a land and one or two diabolic edicts. You have a lot of removal spells, but that's just me. Maybe you need it. The Hover Barriers seem strange, too. Maybe Fog Bank, instead?
Trepanation BladeMirko Vosk, Mind DrinkerIf you want something more offensive, consider Merfolk, particularly Grimoire Thief. She's a lot of fun.I would suggest not using Perplex. Yes, it may seem like a great thing, but when you really need to stop that game-winning spell from resolving, I hardly think the opponent would care about discarding the rest of their hand to win the game, especially when they've already lost cards due to your Hymn to Tourach and the like.
Essentially a more expensive version of the deck I made a few days ago. I was attempting to keep the cost down:
I always think the Hand of Emrakul looks so adorable annihilating the world like that. You're right, though.
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