Really? How did you know that?
Karn has a very interesting effect. And I like the flavor of Ensnaring Bridge, even if it is a bit ridiculous. Thanks for sharing!
Oi vey. I can't tell you how much I despise that card, and I have never even played with him. Still, to the sideboard it goes!
I don't care about competition. I am just making the deck for fun. And I really forgot about adding landfall creatures in the whole enabling landfall thing.
Yes, you have provided very real, good advice on a very serious, good deck. I would very much like to provide serious, good advice on your decks for your serious, good advice.
And why no archive traps? You theoretically, basically win the game on your first turn with all four in your hand.
At the point where I can summon that, I don't need the extra mana to cast other spells.
Because blue magic is of very best! Do you disagree, yes?
Mana curve might be a bit too high for a goblin deck, too. Hrm.
I like the changes a lot. The only thing I am not sure about is umbral mantle and faithless looting. I understand the mantle is for Krenko, but maybe a better untapper could work better for you. How about Sword of the Paruns? It's really about personal choice at this point. Also, I love faithless looting, but I only like to employ it in decks that have grveyard interactions so I can get twice the power for it. I do agree you need a bit of card draw here, but I am not sure if faithless looting is the best. I don't know what to replace it with.
Now that you've changed the deck, the lotus petal seems almost useless. How about that card that lets you do a special mulligan? I forget what it is called.
Although you really need more creatures. This deck runs terribly slowly.
Brilliant. I was trying to make a deck doing the same with Ink-Treader Nephilim.
That smooths out the curve a bit.
He is a cantrip that could just about kill any creature annoying you. He's a fantastic instant, really, one of the best goblins you could possibly put in a deck. I would still suggest trading him with your stuns even if you don't like he can't target a player.
No, they are throwing up, sillyhead.
Correct! Good, yes, good. So...
I don't see him being that useful. Just because he is the god of red doesn't make him a necessity in the deck. I think high-devotion red creatures should take priority. Purphoros does best in token decks that spam tons of creatures.
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