
33 Decks, 24 Comments, 2 Reputation

plus the Driver of the Dead pretty much being a Bloodbraid Elf w/o Haste makes each creature a second-use, letting late game spiral really fast into unwinnable trades with me, but at the moment, i find myself wanting Blood Artist over Nighthawk right now.

Posted 30 November 2012 at 01:21 in reply to #305240 on Help yourseeeeelves (standard)


it seems like you'll get to 5 against a control deck and get board-wiped. hmm... as an avid control player, i'd actually say that this deck is EXACTLY what i want to play against when thinking about strong matchups, but i does look like it has enough power to just race other mid-range decks. I know Bonfire of the Damned used to do wonders in this deck before rotation, but i think Selesnya Charm is better here. Maybe consider Centaur Healers over Vexing Devils? i dunno how often they stick to the board for you, but its just an idea.

Posted 30 November 2012 at 01:20 as a comment on Naya Aggro Deck (standard)


no. and its 12 mana for a 13/13, since when is that not a good thing? its like every creature needs to be Geist of Saint Traft or something that beats it nowadays... and i still find outs with this build, however, Nighthawks don't do much, and i'm thinking on dropping green from it altogether

Posted 30 November 2012 at 01:16 in reply to #305313 on Help yourseeeeelves (standard)


the intention is NOT to ride test subject to victory as fast as possible, that's just asking to get it killed, so ramp does literal nothing for this deck because having more mana doesn't mean anything late game like decks that have fireballs or Wolf Run.

Posted 30 November 2012 at 01:14 in reply to #305240 on Help yourseeeeelves (standard)


plus, 4 farseek, 3 ranger's path, and 2 boundless realms is a lot of ramp XD

Posted 05 November 2012 at 03:56 in reply to #301582 on Truly Truly... Epic


the Devil's Play is bad removal early and with all the ramp, its an alternate win-con. and the ramp is surprisingly resilient because i can spear early threats pretty reliably.

Posted 05 November 2012 at 03:31 in reply to #301582 on Truly Truly... Epic


i personally don't think your isochron scepters are a necessary 4-of. you have 3 different spells to put on them, and they don't win you the game ever, so its not the best-placed card to use. problem is i don't know what to replace it with >.< sorry.

Posted 28 September 2012 at 07:53 as a comment on Professional Legacy-Please help!


suprisingly, i was more on the side of Devastation Tide as the SB for tokens, as Oblivion Ring becomes an issue against this deck.

Posted 26 July 2012 at 20:22 in reply to #273486 on Blaster-Burst


well, if we go into storyline, Dissension was in referrence to the dissension of the guilds. i thought only a few remained afterward.
although with the addition of Fog Bank and Augur of Bolas, i see Mono-Blue Talrand Control being exceedingly effective, and could even see remnants of old R/U tempo strategies arise from Chandra's Fury and Thundermaw Hellkite.
Though the genuine all-star of M13 imo is Thragtusk- that thing is INSANE. ETB and LTB that all make up for it NOT being a 5 power beatstick that PUKES green card-advantage? i dunno, but my foretelling sees top tier decks Restoration Angel-ing/Cloudshifting that BAMF.

Posted 13 July 2012 at 09:12 as a comment on Magic 2013 Discussion.


things that force attacks on your insurmountable defense and punish them for it are what you want. here is the time for the card Lust for War. perfect enchantment to run here. Also Overgrown Battlement pouring free mana into a Fireball or two wouldn't go amiss here either.

Posted 20 June 2012 at 00:38 as a comment on Walls will overcome


i may just suggest the use of tumble magnet, but the soul eaters do a marvelous job of both blocking and tapping in the same turn. very nicely crafted

Posted 05 June 2012 at 08:17 as a comment on On The Back Foot


i have so much hatred for this deck already.

as a control player, everything you do is gonna infuriate me XD good luck! deck looks solid. Tamiyo's good for any situation: locks down opponents creatures, disable's utility lands, prevents a mana from dropping and being effective, and with the way this deck should be swinging for the hills, you'll draw a lot from it, too. Least exciting is her Ultimate though

Posted 23 May 2012 at 07:10 as a comment on Standard W/U Humans


Hey, use Blasphemous Act as a board wipe, and then use Belltower Sphinx (yes it standard). insta-board clear AND they mill 13? sounds good ;3

Posted 23 May 2012 at 07:00 as a comment on T2 UUr Mill


well, that's what the Driver of the dead does for me. He puts good pressure on the field and when he dies, either my Snaps come back or my Test Subject comes back immediately. Two kill spells to get rid of my threats? i think so. Plus the Driver makes the subject the last thing standing after a good board wipe ;3

Posted 07 May 2012 at 22:08 in reply to #253639 on Ludevic's Grip


Consider Terminus for Phyrexian Rebirth. more effective removal, and blinking a token is sad panda.

Posted 06 May 2012 at 10:12 as a comment on Bant Venser


doesn't look very control, tbh. looks like u/r delver with an AVR update
>.< needless to say, it looks... good

Posted 01 May 2012 at 02:55 as a comment on U/R Delver with AVR update


i really enjoy this concept. definitely a better rendition than LOL LINGERING SOULS INTANGIBLE INSTAWIN.

Posted 10 April 2012 at 20:53 as a comment on as Lambs to the Slaughter...


thank you! thank you~ and good night :P

Posted 03 January 2012 at 06:09 in reply to #225869 on Cannon-destruction deck


this does NOT have enough mana to be properly control. without the draw power that other control decks have, this looks like you'll run out of mana quickly.

Posted 03 January 2012 at 04:50 as a comment on FIRE ZE CANNONZ


2 Oblivion Ring, and 4 Mana Leak does not a control deck make.

Posted 03 January 2012 at 02:14 in reply to #225819 on White-Blue Geist Blade


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