there's no chance in hell this is control.
all decks here are standard: U/B control graveyard play U/W midrange meaniness
hm... i have to say, Sphinx of Uthuun would be readily replaced by Consecrated Sphinx. the control would be well welcome, if only for 2. for the third, Grave Titan's zombies would still be effective, if not for brute force, for chumpy blockers.
not any big parts missing, but my comment on this solar flare style is that you need higher draw power if you're not running Liliana. her role was to push players to hellbent their decks, so if you run a full 4 of Forbidden Alchemy, your big supports to it are Unburial Rites, Sun Titan, and Snapcaster Mage, and you currently aren't running 4 of any of the others. I like your addition of Timely Reinforcements here- very abuse-able and an easy way to gain creature advantage, though i'd say a Dismember or two would do nicely to deal with any Vault Skirges you happen to see (also consider the fact that Liliana also provided the "Opponent Sacrifices a creature effect" may want to be substituted for a Tribute to Hunger). I would also say that you might want at least one stompy big creature like a Grave Titan or Frost Titan. something that's big and only gets more dangerous as they stay on the field.
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