
1 Deck, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation


I quoted the word "played" above because the mirror does not actually play the spell but rather it puts it directly onto the stack. It is a technicality, but a needed one, so that this deck works in concert with the Epic spells. Also because of this technicality, I can get around the Dovescape while it is severely handicapping my opponents

Posted 05 July 2007 at 14:22 as a comment on UPKEEP ABUSE


When a spell is imprinted on the mirror, it can be "played" for free each and every upkeep. Using Enduring Ideal I can guarantee that I get all my Paradox Hazes and Copy Enchantments out into play so that I can get a total of 9 upkeeps per turn!

See what I mean about abusing the upkeeps? A lot of other cards here trigger off each upkeep as well.

Posted 05 July 2007 at 14:19 as a comment on UPKEEP ABUSE
