I updated it, removed a land, added another ashcloud.
tyvm for the kind comment. I only play Standard right now, still new. I have been playing since mid M15. This is my first solo deck build. I love the mill decks but this one is a whole new beast. I am going to playtest it this Friday. I am also adding 4 battlefield forges and 4 end hostilities and a few counter spells to the sideboard. Siege Rhino will be the end of me.
Haven't tested, would love some insight to this deck :)
Elvish Mystic can attack with damage, with 0/3 I don't think you'd do much damage at all. I am going to cut the Oozes (since they are rotating out in 2 weeks) along with Garruk, not sure what to use. Planeswalkers are the first to be taken out in my opinion. So I can also cut fated intervention as it didn't help me much. I added 4 Hydra Broodmasters, 1 Mistcutter Hydra and 2 Terra Stompers.