hmm any examples?
nice deck please help out with my deck
so i gotta take out 2 Xathrids 2 Gleancrawlers and 2 Creakwoods so how does 2 Nyxathids and 4 racks? or 2 nyxathids 2racks 1 guul draz specter and one hypnotic specter?
nice please help out with my deck
i like it please help with my deck
should i switch out the xathrids' for 2 nyxathids|
this deck kinda inspired my discard deck check it out and comment plz
one of the things is tho that Xathrid + Creakwood = 3 damage to EACH opponent each turn
ok. so i should take out xathrid for racs?
add burning inquiries. if u make it more towards making them draw and then discard that could work very well. check my discard deck
why do i always double post? srry
why is liliana in there?
oh sory that was taking out 2 of the birds of paradise so probably about $60-70
Buying from tcgplayer this deck costs $43.27 before shipping and tax so my guess is about $50-60 probably
why so few plains? i know you have like 500 bzillion other cards to get the plains' out, but why only 2?
41-60 of 66 items