Modern rakdos aggro attempt

by Zvarri on 10 October 2014

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Creatures (3)

Instants (12)

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Deck Description

My deck is mostly based the only rakdos aggro that worked in the RTR-M14-THS standard : Luis Navas' one.

I changed cards on my own, and pretty much fell in love with the deck : It's one of the most aggressive deck, yet aggressive in a subtle manner : Overwhelming your opponent with hasty creatures, with a loot of tools to bypass blockers (It's pretty regular to deal 5 damages turn 2) and cheap, efficient removal.

My point here, is to switch this deck to modern. It didn't break the metagame in standard, but I still love my deck and I want to keep playing it. Considering I have no experience whatsoever in modern, I ask for advice.

How to Play

I played this deck with a lot of intuitions and guts. Sometimes I easily overwhelmed my opponents by spamming turn 1 creatures or spike jesters, with a mogis's marauder to finish. Other games I had to stay back for a while, almost playing control with my burns and removal, to finally swing with hasty creatures when I had an opportunity.

I wanted my creatures to all be black, because mogis's marauder is a key card that allow me to keep a lot of pressure in early turn and to make comebacks afterward, of course it's a metagame call, but during RTR-M14-THS standard, green was rising up, so I hadn't any trouble to attack though.

I use underworld cerberus against heavy-removal/wrath deck, to get my dudes back of course. I guess my list doesn't bring anymore questions.

Deck Tags

  • rakdos aggro modern

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 1,615 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Modern rakdos aggro attempt

Have you consider ash zealot instead of rakdos shred-freak. It's a bit of a strain on the mana base being double red, but it's a 2/2 haste for 2 with first strike. It also has a an effect that hates out snapcaster mage. "whenever a player casts a spell from his/her graveyard ash zealot does 3 damage to him/her" or something along those lines. There's also ashenmoor gouger if you like 4/4s for 3 mana. Not even an issue with the mana base because it's a black/red hybrid. Only downside is it can't block so it's definitely a card you play when you're banking everything on pure aggression. I can't tell if you're trying to keep it within a specific budget or not but goblin is generally speaking a must play card for these kinds of decks. A 1 mana 2/2 haste is worth the downside of maybe drawing your opponent a card.

Posted 10 October 2014 at 21:32
