if you have many slivers try to do a commander deck, its fun to play it :D
Cool deck dude¡¡ i love slivers
Cool deck dude¡¡
I like the idea of the deck, because i have a similar one, but i think to this point its crucial to make ir cheaper to cast and to deal early damage, i only sugest that you make more mana with artifacts.
Dude you can have one copy on each card with the exeption of basic lands, assuming its commander the format you want to play o why do you have a 99 sliver dek?
Thx dude, i know its a simple deck and kinda suicide, but the expansion seems to be so slow that i cant affrd it, and if youwant to make it faster it is expensive in money. The result its this, its kinda triky to make decks with low budget.
cool man, i will only put more attention to red since this is the primary color but only that,i like the deck because its cheap to play. Just i hope the right colors are in ur openning hand.
http://www.mtgvault.com/zuran666/decks/tiny-heroics/ ok cool check this out man it my deck
Yeah, because mainly you have spells that cos 2-4 and its not a mana-cheap deck
Imm not saying that i dont like it, but i thing you must focus on cheaper creatures and abuse the heroic ability.
I will only add few mana producers, like elves or the dryads from theros
Hahahahahahahaha cool man¡¡¡¡ your deck made me laugh, but in a good way, its so simple and yet so cool, i never thought of this deck in a million years, but here it i,s its a scoundrel deck, congratulations for real, i would suggest enchantment removal or that kind of things, but only for sideboard, and you might try abzan cards like a falconeer only to give them fly, but it costs 3 in fact i dont think you need al thos expensive dual cards only having an island and a plains and everything its good, yeah many people said that its a boring deck and that kind of things, but its beauty its in simplicity, so get fun with thi,s i bet you have a lot when you defeat you opponents high priced deks¡¡¡ but returning to competitive play, the only difficulty you´ll se its on green removal enchantments, but they need to have from the side deck, so for fun its good for competitive its tricky, but that doesnt mean that you cannot enter a tournament, you only get to figure what will you need.
hell yeah guys thx, ive seen those cards, but the strategy its on, maybei can make an abzan or a mono white, :)
ohh great¡¡¡¡¡, i thought of many cards you list here, but the strategy was screwed cince the release of khans, it was an white enchantment deck as you see, well thanks dude for the help.
i want a standard deck, and only one color, thx n.n
I want ensnaring bridges, theyre extremely usefull but those things are not cheap and are hard to find :/
Hehehe, yeah, but thats why i preffer spark elemmental, they come into play do their job and they die doing damage, it has trample so it can kill a creature and deal damage, i agree that the goblin its a good one mana drop, , but i feel a bit flat for this kind of deck, and even the drawback hability could work as you said, but for practice and cash i preffer other stuff. Thanks for your comment i apreciate it¡¡¡¡ :D
Cool deck, i recommend only creatures with heroic for more impact. The idea of silence its awesome thought¡¡¡ if you want to check here is my deck http://www.mtgvault.com/zuran666/decks/white-theros-deck/
its because the edition and ithats my actual deck in fact, and i do have the base, but the shard volley requires sacrificing a land and the rift bolt needs time to get into play (i do have those cards) the only thing missing its the goblin guide, but to be honest i dont like it, i preffer damage, and the goblin gives an opponent great advantage with the lands, only in the first turn its usefull.
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