Good idea, not sure what I'd take out though.Admittedly I haven't given the balancing of the deck much thought.So I could take out a Thassa perhaps and possible a bident or two.Thassa serves a dual purpose with granting creatures unblockable and scrying firstly in the deck and secondly an added win condition. So I feel I'd like to make sure I could get her out.I could take out some removal for extra shenanigans with not only Ashiok's abilities, but also Daxos and Nightveil Specter.Dimir charm could add to the fun there as well.
Optimala för versatility/removal hade varit fler Thoughtseize, 2 kanske räcker.4 Doom Blade för removal goodness.2-ish Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx för mana goodness.Diabolic Tutor vs Read the Bones handlar ju om hur många kort man vill dra och vilket specifikt. Lite manakostnad också.Men i dra-kort-generator så slår inget Erebos, God of the Dead eller Underworld Connection just nu.Critterväg så finns ju Desecration Demon för flygande tuffing. Nightveil Specter om man vill maxa devotion. Även Lifebane Zombie som är anti grönt och vitt.Frågan är ju lite vilken väg man vill gå. Fokusera på devotion då passar inte riktigt Agent of the Fates och Cutthroat Maneuver in. Vill man ha lite mer blandat så kan man absolut köra dom.
Thanks dynathy. It's a fairly effective deck in standard tournament play.I put them in fairly recently to see if they could help me generate some more stopping power towards endgame. But I'm thinking of dropping them and adding more removals in form of Detention Sphere and/or Supreme Verdict.Possibly another Mikaeus depending on how he works out.Popped him in there just now and haven't tested him out yet.