
12 Decks, 8 Comments, 0 Reputation

and oh, oyu are playing 1 drop, i dont' know why you have 24 lands and 8 mana acceleration. either cut lands or cut your birds

Posted 21 May 2009 at 20:54 as a comment on Green One Drop (Standard)



if you are seriously aiming to aggro the crap outa your opponent b4 turn 4 wrath of god and stuff like that....drop the enchantments and play more buffs, duno what else is left in standard, but definitely creatures. Nettle Sentinal to name one.

Posted 21 May 2009 at 20:54 as a comment on Green One Drop (Standard)


just so you know, double negative only works against cascade. It was made to counter the original spell and the cascade spell. Its no good in constructed. Dont' even bother sideboarding, not enough people play cascade

Posted 21 May 2009 at 20:49 as a comment on Grixis Domination (revised)


Noble Hierarch > Steward of Valeron.

Steward is good but Noble is better. First turn ramp instead of 2nd turn that requires both green and white.

It feels like your deck is too slow to stand up against fast aggro. Its a nice idea and all, but your creatures are too easily killed. Its cool to have your creatures vulnerable as long as you have removals to remove your opponents. You have red and white to pack some defense in your deck, use it!

It would be sick to have your Mayael's Aria in play and benefit from Cradle of Vitality and your healing creatures. You just need to make sure your creatures stay alive and can stay in play from the time you first play them to the time you actually get all your "combo" in.

Posted 21 May 2009 at 16:46 as a comment on Block Survival Deck


Courier's Capsule is unnecessary in your deck. If you need draw card use Ponder or Telling time.
Same goes for Etherwrought Page, not good enough card. Run Cryptic command instead, since you need better removals.

not sure you need 7 borderposts. Those things are decent, but not THAT great. Play filter lands or vivid, much better. Your actual land vs borderpost ratio is not good enough. Running into hands with say 3 borderposts with no lands will surely own you.

Broken ambitions is the card to play if you want to counter and have your opponent pay. Offering to Asha is whatever. If you want a 4 mana counter, Cryptic command. Cancel is kind of lame its a 3 mana counter with no other abilities. You may as well play removal like path to exile or wrath of god.

Posted 21 May 2009 at 16:26 as a comment on Esper Control Milling


and your kill card?

can't play jund without Broodmate dragon, mate. Put those badboys in.

Borderpost = not good enough in constructed. At least not 12 of them. Run some filter land, pain land or the triple tap lands.

Posted 21 May 2009 at 16:15 as a comment on Blade Jund/Grixis


moreee removvaallllls.

Absorb Vis is not worth 3 card slots. If you are desperate to drain life, then a warhammer would be a more practical approach given the amount of creatures you are playing. I personally do not think you need to gain life though...

Got to run 4 terminates, dark temper is not bad for grixis either.

watch out for sedraxis specter against green decks, they will just drop Wilt leaf on you for free.

Anyways, all in all you need more protection for your creature. You are too vulnerable against white. 1 wrath of god will do you.

I like the idea of Lich lord of Unx, but again, you need more protection. You are playing control colors a bit too aggresive.

My #1 problem is mana cost / speed vs actual tradeoff. Your game shines when you get your lich lord out. But his ability is only useful after you have substantial amount of zombies. Meaning you are takling about going into turn 7-8 before inflicting any problems towards your opponent. Your creatures will most likely be chump blockers vs green aggro, bant aggro or naya aggro. You want to control before you drop your Lich Lord.

Gota cut a lot of the creatures and put in a lot more counter/removals

good luck

Posted 21 May 2009 at 16:12 as a comment on Silly Rabit, Grixis for kids


Definitely need to make some cuts into a 60 card deck.

Posted 12 May 2009 at 18:09 as a comment on Saproling
