Because red meant to be fast as possible and when you need more cards and mana for creatures and pump spells it is a better way to pay with life instead of mana.Gitaxian Probe is basically a free drawpower for red players.Example:Starting hand:Mountain, Gitaxian Probe, Assault Strobe, 2x Simian Spirit Guide, Spark Elemental, Mutagenic GrowthTurn 1:Play MountainPlay Gitaxian Probe for 2 life and you get a Brute ForceTap Mountain for Spark ElementalPut Mutagenic Growth on Spark for 2 life ( Spark Elemental 5/3 )Remove 2x Spirit Guide for 2 red mana.Put Assault Strobe and Brute Force on Spark ( Spark Elemental 8/6 )Then you attack for 16 in turn one.You've got any questions? :)
True true, it was nearly 01:00AM when i made the deck. :P:DDD
Check these out! =)
I've tested this deck against a Mono Black Zombie Aggro and a Selesnya Sliver decks and Sinister Possession stops them from attacking me while i build up to my Crypt Ghast for mana boost, and Go for the Throat helps too when Possession is not enough, but thanks for the advice! =)
Thanks for the advices, i changed Seismic Stomp to Assault Strobe but i'm thinking on Double Cleave too, because it's an instant...oh and about Dangerous Wager, I'm gonna keep it, because there will be a lot of time when my hand will be empty because of low mana costs. =)