Thanks for... suggesting them! (?)
I know you are not looking into running competitive mill but all I can offer is my own version of modern(I think) nasty mill in the hopes that you find something to take from it.
The idea of levitating zombies makes me really like the deck!
I am working on that.
I love playing it and have had the same thought but am still unsure how or if I want to change the kills. It does well against most deck types. But it has issues against token decks and token buffing.
Grimgrinx2 and Skaab Ruinatorx3? That would be my suggestion. looks fun otherwise.
Typically do not like token decks but this looks far too fun to dislike. Well done.
Why Shrine of Loyal Legions? I would suggest running more control (oblivion ring, Grand Abolisher, etc)
Rather than Evolving Wilds in your sideboard I would suggest Go For the Throat. But that is just the sideboard, the deck looks good. Does it run enough control?
I am not sure I am comfortable with the idea of dropping Army of the Damned while there are ANY Parallel Lives out.
Best part about the deck? the $1.57 low cost. well done. why not goblin guide or raging goblin?
I am liking how while Parallel Lives slays all the things it is not a necessary to have on the field. Along the same lines there are a multitude of ways to drop tokens. I am not a token-deck kinda guy, but it looks well done to me! My only issue is the lack of control (Oblivion Ring, Naturalize). But as I look over the deck I would have a hard time taking out the 6 of so cards to use them. Perhaps make a sideboard?
I have been working on a little something else based on the same idea. please help me work it out as well!
Skinrender for the more zombie/kill?
I really like the diverse zombies in your deck. May I make the suggestion of adding Call to Grave, ( it adds a good bit of creature control to the deck. Please take a look-see at my personal attempt at making a shambling hordes deck.
Great name and fun deck.
Have you played the deck any and if so how does it do on Mana?
The deathmarks are there for the creature generations that I cannot mana leak. For the swarms and such.
So, major difference between your mill machine and mine is that I counter and bounce where as it looks as though you like to start with lab maniac in hand and set up then mill yourself in one turn with the same combo I have thrown into my deck as a finisher. I like it. If you have played it any let me know how it runs.
If you are running creature-less then field wipes would be fun in this deck. Black Sun and Life's Finally would work really well I think.
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