
14 Decks, 14 Comments, 0 Reputation

Well, i’d still suggest scion as a curve topper, if the highest you wanna go is 2 drops then you are playing a land or 2 to many, you’re welcome

Posted 12 October 2018 at 12:43 in reply to #618640 on Extreme Aggro Faeries


spellstutter sprite
scion of oona
favorable winds
All pretty cheap and definatly what you want for this kind of aggro strategy

Posted 12 October 2018 at 10:52 as a comment on Extreme Aggro Faeries


More serum visions less pierce

Posted 16 July 2017 at 15:02 as a comment on illusions


As a long time faerie player myself I've decided to help you out a little in the most budget friendly way because you really don't need bitterblossom or cryptic command. They zre powerfull but not the first step into making this deck better.. That said here is some more advice first, you are playing too many cards that require you to return cards to your hand, wich often leads to not having anything on the board to bounce back. Cut familiar ruse down to a 1 maybe 2 replace the rest with mana leak , you can run quickling but no more than 3, imposter isn't that good but you could play 1. while cards like beseech the queen and oona are great in edh and add flavor to the deck, they will only make this 60 card deck unplayable consider cutting them. now that you have cut your high cost creatures you can also cut the semblance anvil, also sower of temptation could be moved to the sideboard because if your opponent doenst play creatures, its a dead card. Now you will notice the only reason you are splashing black is oona's blackguard and it is not worth splashing. Now for the most important part : disruption! all these cards That can be cut from the deck can be replaced with counterspells like mana leak, condescent and bounce spells like vapor snag and unsummon wich can be used on your opponents creatures and your own. And finally you need around 23-25 land, consider running 2-3 faerie conclave. Now you're all set. Hope this helps

Posted 06 July 2017 at 09:35 as a comment on Control Faerieck


Well look, you are playing too few lands and too high mana cost spells, you'll have lots of matches in wich you cant play spells in time to beat your opponent. These are just tips bit try to cut some high mana cost spells and put some more lands in the deck, it has lots of potential but could be so much more imo , keep up the deckbuilding, greets

Posted 05 July 2017 at 23:01 in reply to #602471 on Control Faerieck


You wil be dead on turn 4 xp

Posted 03 July 2017 at 21:05 as a comment on Control Faerieck


Well I am little afraid of that actually, I would love for faeries to get a good 1 drop, and to have some more options when brewing, but I'm afraid of wotc digitalizing the beautifull art we got in lorwyn, and keep in mind faeries once dominated extended, all it takes is 1 or 2 very powerfull new faeries and it would be too powerfull Leading into bitterblossom ban again or something I really wouldn't want that to happen.. :p

Posted 21 April 2017 at 08:38 in reply to #599039 on Sultai Coco Faeries


Me too, I am the biggest fan of the lorwyn block, I have all the books, and I have both a complete GB coco elves modern and a UN faeries modern deck, I am planning on making a UW merfolk deck and a RB goblin deck for modern as well, all very lorwyn themed. I have been playing magic for 12 year and I have never played a more fun deck to play than mono blue faeries. UB coming very close. So anyone reading this who is interested in faeries beware of the adiction ! ?? Props to you for experimenting with them!

Posted 20 April 2017 at 23:23 in reply to #599039 on Sultai Coco Faeries


Not sold on snapcaster builds.. look.. if you are looking to play bitterblossom just for the tempo advantage, then you could much better play young pyromancer, and bolt instead of push..

Posted 20 April 2017 at 10:06 in reply to #599045 on UB Faeries 4/2017b


Jup indeed, I didn't know you were also just experimenting with this coco aggro build ! I like your faerie decks, and yes Me too ! I play UB midrange faeries & mono U tempo faeries in modern, and have had great succes in pauper with UR faeries playing wee dragonauts (they're awesome) Once you played faeries you're just hooked I guess ! By all means keep trying out different stuff, Who know right ??

Posted 19 April 2017 at 10:54 in reply to #599039 on Sultai Coco Faeries


Awesome ??

Posted 19 April 2017 at 09:53 as a comment on UB Faeries 4/2017b


As a faerie player/ brewer with some years of experience I must say this is a fun idea, but I don't believe this is the way to go unfortunatly. The fact of the matter is that the best faerie cards available are control and tempo cards not aggro. keep in mind that bitterblossom is a non-bo with collected company, als coco in this deck beats the purpose of having all flash creatures. Faeries do not have a great one drop wich this type of deck needs. Without disruption and/or enough counter magic you will straight up die to a sweeper, and will not be fast enough to clock your opponents consistently before their sweeper hits the board. Also running 4 fatal push with only 4 fetchlands and no snapcaster mage is not ideal. I get that spirits does this type of deck but maseleum wanderer is an aggro card and have selfless spirit to protect their board. I'm not saying this deck can't win your local fnm, but I'm saying quickling is a sweet card with mistbind clique because of a soft lock, mistbind clique is great with cryptic because of the 4 mana bluff, bitterblossom is gains good tempo because it gives you advantage while Controling the board.. collected company is good with elves because they can chain multiple cocos in a row, with melira because of the combos with creatures, with spirits because of wanderer and moreland haunt... see what I mean? You could put coco in vampires and make a solid jund vampire tribal but it just doesn't have that extra something, only trying to help ofcourse

Posted 19 April 2017 at 09:41 in reply to #599039 on Sultai Coco Faeries


This looks cool

Posted 16 August 2016 at 08:43 as a comment on Body Slam


No lightning helix???? Add 4 !!! ??

Posted 16 August 2016 at 08:40 as a comment on Jeremy's Dragon Reflection
