Extremely cheap (7 bucks {go to http://www.mtgvault.com/zoakselot/decks/less-budget-wall-throwing/ for a less budget version}) casual deck about flinging powered up walls at your opponents. Block, Glyph of Destruction, Buff Firebreathing Walls with leftover Mana, then Sacrifice. If you make it to late game use the devils to get back your flings and repeat the process. Or, fling the devils, as they will get powered up when you play stuff.
I built this deck, because I don't think I've ever seen a wall deck with red, much less mono-red. Also, I few years back, there was a garage sale selling half a pound of old cards for 50 cents. They had like 10 pounds for sale, and you could buy as much as you wanted. My brother bought some, and got a ton of glyphs, so he decided to make a red wall deck. His kill condition was attacking with walls, because the old walls technically didn't say defender (we know much better nowadays). Anyways, I thought I would take inspiration from that, and make a wall deck that could actually deal damage.
Since it's a wall deck, you should be able to survive for a little bit, hopefully long enough to draw enough buff spells and a fling to win. There's a few different combinations of spells that will add up to 20 damage, but the main way is with two Glyph of Destruction.
My price limit for this deck is shockingly low: 10 bucks. Right now it's only 7.50, and so I pretty much only want cards that are 50 cents or lower. Feel free to comment about cards that are more expensive, though. I might add them to my less budget version of this deck.
I have not yet play-tested this deck, as I have not yet gotten around to getting all the cards. Therefore, I'm not sure if the mana base is right, if I have enough cards of a certain CMC, etc. I also haven't looked much at the newer sets as I don't care much for standard. But if anyone else has, that would be great.
Looking for comments on just about anything. If you know of any good buff spells that might help, that would be great. Also, any different walls or other creatures that might be good, or maybe other ways to get more Glyphs in my hand. If I have too many of one card, or not enough of another, I'd like to know. Thanks.
At the beginning of the game, play as many walls as you can, and if you didn't draw any, a mulligan is probably a good idea. Hold off on playing Fling until you have enough buff spells and mana to deal at least 10 damage. If you make it until late game, Charmbreaker Devils can help you get back some spells, and Stalking Vengeance will double the damage when you play Fling. A perfect hand/cards that I would draw would contain a 1 drop wall, a 2 drop wall, Lust for War, 2 Glyph of Destruction, Fling, and of course some lands.