Usually their 2k, but 6k? Thats just ridiculous.
$6,000...What the fuck man.
Solid blue decks, can be a force to be reckoned with. Merfolk decks have now become the most retartded things on the planet because of the now best card in the game : True Name Nemesis Protection from player. Get on blues level.
Projenitus's ability "protection from everything" is a bit stretched with what it actually does. All it really is, is just shroud and unblockable on a 10/10. Board wipes can still kill him, and just like all creatures, they can be sacrificed regardless of what it is. Unless an ability of another card prevents you from sacrificing, such as Sigarda, Host of Herons.
The irony of all good removal now being rares
Could you not alternitively just make them forfeit when you control their turn?
Possibly the most expensive standard deck I have ever seen
I would advise moving those mystics from side to main, replacing your voracious wurms. Only thing that gains you life in this deck would be trostani, and you mentioned you needed to be faster. Only other thing I could mention at this moment is temple garden, although they are quite expensive and it seems your keeping this budgetyishnesserest
If you could somehow, I would recommend phyrexian swarmlord. Might be difficult.
This isn't techno, there is a reason he has blue in there.
Leyline of the void possibly? So something like elixer or eldrazi won't just screw you.
This deck is hilarious, I give you props.
Something I like to use is quicksilver amulet when it comes to these things. Since your running blue for the Call to the Kindred, maybe add in mutavault or the amoeboid changeling so you might be able to throw out the eldrazi sooner, although it all depends on what you draw.
When it comes to tokens, it hurts a lot more since they don't come back. All it takes is one or two mana as well, so the whole game could be over in one turn. Not to sure what could really save him, all he can do is hope that they don't just happen to have it main board or sideboard...which most decks don't nowadays, at least with my experience. All I could really say is just don't empty your hand lol. Thats all you really can do to avoid something like a board wipe from ruining the game for you.
Devastation tide/Terminus...I win
Well there is a turn one reanimator, it involves grislebrand getting haste then paying life to draw into a storm spell and kill them.
Turn one myr win, I would like to see that actually lol. May be illegal I'm guessing, or just a vintage deck. Also a good bit of those cards are rotating out, which is another thing I hate about standard. Really did like innastrad and dark asscension, sucks it has to leave :/ At the same time the fact snap-caster is going away makes me leap with joy.
The people I played against had 2k decks, probably more. And yes, I beat them, on my own, with a simple blue/green infect. Emrakul decks, elf decks, delver, artifact ramp, elf ramp into the crossroads that kills with 5million creatures, show and tell, sneak attack, and not to mention a top tier myr deck that can win turn 4...Done it all. With a premade deck I bought, then slightly modified. Twas hilarious. Now I'm taking a black extraction deck to dragon con that only costs $100 and is brutal as hell. Most likely will have many many victory's, if not be in the top 10. Maybe even win who knows. So you can shove your 3k deck up your ass, since I've done just fine with these. Once standard is actually affordable, or is "balanced" to the point where you don't need a full play set of shock lands just to win, I'll consider it. But for right now, if this is what I have to pay for, what the fuck. Where are people getting this kind of money?
I never have to change my deck in legacy. Ever. It always stays the same, and always has a good win-loss ratio. If where you live it costs 4k to build a legacy deck, then stop buying fucking tropical islands and shit. I have a simple infect deck, that could beat delver, elf-emrakul decks, artifact speed that can drop the blightsteel collossus turn 3. Guess whatBarely even costs over $15. I don't have money to keep paying $300 JUST to be able to keep up in standard. All standard is "If you have the money for the best cards, you win." With legacy your not restricted and can work around anything.
Magic isnt expensive, standard is =P Every year you most likely have to completely change your deck. Why did the owner of the ONLY DAM LEGACY TOURNAMENT IN GEORGIA have to die =_= Besides Atlanta, but god knows I am not trudging through there
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