I like rest for the weary, I just had the passages laying around when I made this, and I like the idea of Serra Ascendant, just need to get the $$$$ to get them.
Correct me if I am wrong sir, but it seems the most expensive cards in this deck are more or less usless.. Thoughtseize Seems like a good idea but there are other cards that are pay one and discard. I am not sure the 2life is worth my pick of the litter. Marshflats seems like a filler card imo Dark confidant looks good to me but at the same time I see it as bad attempt at drawing a card. I don't think I would be smiling if I drew a card and died because I had a few health left... Urbog is nice but again I would rather have my black and blue land instead. - I could just be ammature.. meh i'll learn.
I like the clever use of moonmist.
In the words of our physics teacher.. This is just retarded.