but as far as my response goes, I dont like visions from beyond, simply because the only decks that will have 20 or more cards in there graveyard at any point, means the game is probably over, i.e. if oath ever has 20 or more cards, they have their creature on the board, if dredge has 20 or more cards, its likely they already have used them to there maximum potential, especially in vintage, and if tezzerator haz more then 20 cards, i can guarantee yawgs will is nearby or being tutored for to win the game. Also i may not understand the entire point of gush, seeing as all i play is oath, fish and landstill i dont like the fact that you have to return lands for gush, as enough losing your landbase, but meloku and the seer? i suppose if you have a cobra on the board, but think in vintage how long your creature is ACTUALLY going to last if no one likes it, especially with dark blast as a main board in alot of black decks.
yet finalpersona, it becomes so clear why you lose all your magic games if you play vintage, if he is trying to make a deck to win, blue needs to be a consistant color, if he is anything like me, i play for fun, but i also play to win. Now by me saying that, i am not the person who sits there and will call a game on you if you drop a card or some shit, but there isnt much point to playing any such type of strategy game or sport if you don't atleast want to win. So back to my original statement, i dont think he gives a hooie if its fun or not, he wants to know changes he could possibly make, to make the deck stronger, more viable, and a better chance of winning against the tier 1 vintage decks. So next time you think about commenting on a deck to bash how fun it is, think about how idiotic you sound to everyone