I like the idea behind the Gods, but you run too many creatures. 1 instant? 1 board wipe? Also, who is your general? And you have 100 cards listed.
Arcane Denial and Wheel and Deal added.
Also added Arcane Laboratory, and Bloodchief Ascension.
Thank you guys for the suggestions. Added Teferi's Puzzle Box, Phyrexian Tyranny, and Kederekt Parasite. I had Skyscribing in the original list but I took it out. Trying to make room for everything is so hard sometimes. Will find room for at least one more card to protect Nekusar.
I have Lightning Greaves and counters at least.
Please give me tips and insights on any changes you think would make this a stronger deck.
Venser'z Journal.
I like the deck. It feels like it shouldn't work, but having played against it, I can say it does work. Well.
Knowing you, you probably did. I think you should take out the pyromancer and put in another traitorous instinct and possibly 2 fireballs.
Having played against this deck, I can safely say that it makes green ramp fairly useless. My green ramp gets destroyed by betrayal mechanics. You make me a sad panda.
So fast! I would love to play this deck, check out my gobs!
Tezzeret seems almost extra in the deck, like you don't even need him... he's just a nice addition. I'm sure the Thopter tokens or the Revoker are nice turning into 5/5's lol
Turn 1 - Drop Mountain. Turn 2 - Drop Mountain + Kiln Fiend Turn 3 - Drop Mountain - Burst Lightning or Lightning Bolt twice at any defenders - Assault Strop = 10/2 w/ Double Strike for the win. I run a mono red Koth based aggro deck with Kiln Fiend as a third turn win con.