she poops blockers and can buff other creatures if you have sun home fortress in play and give that creature double strike + the 3+ 3+ pretty much any creature in the deck gets scary. i tried ones were i play kaalia in turn 4 and turn 5 i played Elspeth, Knight-Errant and gave her 3+ 3+ so she suvived the attack
Urza lands give alot of mana and you can fetch them with Weathered Wayfarer. opal palance helps your commander not getting burned so easily. forbidden watch tower is just a good wall to have incase you get attacked at a open moment you did not forsee. the garrison and bailica is just for the extra mana on the starting hand most of the time i would rather have those then a normal plain / swamp / mountain with another land of course nomad outpost is just a lovely land fixes your colering troubles right away
you can win the game purely on her
looks cool dont know what i would cut to get it in or if its even powerful enuf.she can still get bounced or burned
i was thinking about using 2 semic charms and cut 2 remands just so you have alot of different spells to play with.
ill test it out next week