
3 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

If you want a tribal deck; Venser, Silvergill, and the kraken don't fit the theme. It wouldn't hurt the deck in the least if they were taken out. You might want more Harbingers and another copy of Spellstutter Sprite. Cloud sprite is also a good choice as none of your creatures cost one mana and that can really hurt the curve.

Posted 22 November 2007 at 05:58 as a comment on fairy


Squee rules.
As for the deck, Megrim works wonders in a discard deck. I don't see why you shouldn't have 4 in there. Maybe instead of lammastide weave?
You might want to consider a way to kill creatures that get onto the field, lots of choices there. Last Gasp, Sudden Death....if a really lethal guy hits the table you can't really deal with him.
Finally, have you considered Urza's Guilt from Planeshift? You'll lose 4 life, but your opponent will lose 10. It's a very devestating move.

Posted 19 November 2007 at 06:49 as a comment on seize a thought
