While working on my Phyrexian Obliterator deck, i happened to come across a card called Demigod of Revenge. So i took a look at this card, 5 mana... ehh pretty slow, but then i see its effect, when it comes into play I can take all the other ones that are in the grave and play them as well, and it has haste to boot!
The deck is very basic. Use Buried Alive to put 3 of the Demigods in the grave, Reanimate one, all 3 pop out and instantly swing for 15 flying. Drop in a few mana generation cards for a 2nd turn swing, and perhaps some tutors to make it easier for me to get the cards I need. Blackmail serves a double purpose, discard a card in your own hand, or use it to weed out potential pain-in-your-ass cards from your opponents hand. Boom. Superfast, cheap, simple, legal. Brings tears to my eyes.
======Interesting synergies amongst cards=======
-Demigod+Dark Privilege: +1+1, regenerate without any loss
-Demigod+Buried Alive+Dread Return: basically, sac a few demigods->bring 4 back into play->swing
-basically, anything+Demigod
====Brag Section====
- vs elf , won on turn 3, elves cant fly :(
-vs life gain, win turn 3, only got to play 1 spell
-vs burn, killed one of my Demigods (oh noes), won the next turn with the other 2
-vs counter, win on turn 3, before they got the mana to counter anything
-vs mill, thanked the player for kindly disposing of several demigods for me, after which i played a demigod and brought the others back for free, won 1 turn later
-2nd turn win on some deck that was green and blue... not sure what they were running...
need more decks to face! link me yours!