Looks solid to me, though I can't figure out what blightsteel and shape anew are doing in your sideboard. They're the kind of cards that need to be built around in order to be effective, and I just don't see that with what's going on mainboard.
Try out Kresh the Bloodbraid. He can get quite silly if you have a lot of ball lightning type creatures in your deck. Creatures with huge power but low toughness, along with black to knock off your opponents baddies and green for ramp or color coordination to boot. He also works well with sac engines.
I would run 4 of cards you would want to have in your opening hand and play by turn 2. Generally speaking having more than 60 cards in your deck is a good sign the deck isn't very focused and will have trouble with consistency. Cards like fist of ironwood and quest for renewal aren't bad, but they just won't give you a significant advantage typically. I would take out your creatures that tap your guys to tap theirs. I get what you're trying to go for, but the cards won't ever help you win games since you have to have a good board position already for them to be any use. Scion of the wild is a good and cheap finisher, you could probably get away with running 3 of him, but take out the other big guys, Oathsworn giant in particular. If you want a big white guy you could replace him with a one of Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite. He costs one more and has a much better effect. As well, your enchantments are kind of lame. There are much better token producers in the form of enchantments. Awakening zone, bitterblossom, centaur glade, doubling season, luminarch ascension and sacred mesa come to mind. In particular luminarch ascension would work well with leyline of sanctity to make it harder for red decks to keep you off four counters. But that's more of sideboard thinking. If you want good creatures that produce tolkens, Meloku the clouded mirror, ant queen, avenger of zendikar, emeria angel, imperious perfect, master of the wild hunt, mycoloth and maybe even jade mage, though I don't have much experience with him to know how good he'd be. So your next step would be to look at the cards you really would love to draw in an awkward situation and all the cards you definitely would want in an opening hand, and put them in one pile. Then throw out the rest. If you then find you have less than 60 cards is when you start rummaging through the trash.
I remember trying to put this deck together when worldwake had just come out. Only difference mine had was to splash white for ruin ghost as another target that tideforce elemental could hit. It just wasn't consistent enough for my liking.