Would recommend enchantment hate or sth like that for sideboard, because this list leaves you dead to Leyline of Sanctity. Any deck running it can basically go to a starting hand of three cards if these include a LoS.
Nice deck :) (completely unplayable against meta-lists in Modern, but really nice considering the price) You might want to find some way to protect yourself against boardwipes though, since those screw you over completely.
True thing about the Scalelords, but really easy to play around it. One or two spells can just kill or exile both of them. Can also be turned against you by two to three spells (tap them down, take control, attack) It's strong on paper, but not really that much.
How about running some Mind Sculpts in Main or Side? :D
Agreed. Or if someone if runs either Anafenza the Foremost or a Leyline of the Void. The Deck is nice, but it dies waay too quickly to graveyard hate.