Benediction of Moons?
Changes: -4 Searing Spear +4 Brimstone Volley
Changes: -2 Delver of Secrets +2 Jace, Memory Adept
I tend to agree that Mutilate would fit in the side nicely. Now having said that I've played against Draven74 and had them staring down a turn 5 Battle of Wis with me having 13 life to go. Managed to pull off all 13 damage in one turn with one card in hand. With the ability to deal that much damage that quick I'm not sure how many changes I'd make even sideboarding.
Changes: -1 Altar of the Lost -1 Haunted Guardian -4 Stormbound Geist -4 Runic Repetition -2 Curiosity +2 Jayemdae Tome +4 Shriekgeist +4 Think Twice +2 Curisoity
Yeah, a few people asked me what I was thinking not putting it in. Need to make that change. Thanks.
Overall I like this. Not quite sure why you have one mountain in when you could just go with a third blood crypt. If I see how your deck is supposed to run the only change I would make is -1 Liliana of the Veil for +1 Liliana of the Dark Realms. I just think Liliana of the Dark Realms is the more powerful card. Here's what I currently run in mine. Need to post a new one once M12 rotates out.
Can't help but think this is missing something. Suggestions welcome.
LOL yeah gave him a miss.
Changes made: -1 Predator's Gambit +1 Liliana of the Dark Realms
I know what your saying with that. I was just trying to help him with keeping the goblin theme. Totally agree that there's better cards out there.
First thing I'd do is loose the Mogg Flunkies, add two more mountains and then take a look at maybe adding Goblin Battle Jester. I'd really get your land up to 22 at least.
Loose Altar's Reap and why are you using 4 ass to mouth? Put in two more Disciple of Bolas.
Like this deck but I just have one question. With standard rotating so soon, why have vapor snag and ratchet bomb in it at all? Deck is so close to not being affected I'm curious as to what changes you'd make. I assume unsummon for vapor but what about ratchet bomb?
Love the way this turned out. Solid job putting it together and I love how you are able to back your opponents into a wall.
Changes made: -1 Sign in Blood -1 Shimian Spectre -2 Dread Slaver +2 Curse of Death's Hold +1 Mutilate +1 Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis
Thanks for the feedback. This deck has had no problem taking R/G aggro and Wolf Run Ramp. Only problem I've come across is Naya-Pod and that game was land drop issues (7 land total between two games), Turbo Fog which is why I added an elixir in the side, and Delver which was to bad decision making on my part.