i agree
A little odd but ok. My und deck would powne this though. you need stronger creatures and stuff that doesnt cost so much.
i only won three time out of five with this deck so im thinkin about changin it up. thangks dragon. Alextheory, again. Shut up
ive played twenty two tournament games and one eighteen of them. suck a dick alextheory. one copy of a card is fine as long as you have other cards that you can play with. yeah i might not draw predator dragon in a game but guess what? i draw hellkite or the wurm instead. Turtle: nice name haha. every game is different thats what makes it challenging and fun.
i have one seven tournament battles with this deck, land isnt an issue. the high cost things only messed me up ounce dragonchild so thanks for the tip ill take that into consideration. thealextheory just shut up.
why not gain life? plus it gives me another artifact on the feild. its a free country nimrod. dont like it? then go suckle on your mothers teet
i dont need those cards you idiot, they are just in there in case i want to beef up random creatures. god your stupid
look at athletes foot. i am no noob
got rid of the deny realities.
i can win multiple ways.
your opponent runs out of cards. the end
again if i draw any one of those one copy cards cards your f-u-c-k-e-d.
i dont by coppies online i get boosters or boxes at stores and do what i can with what i get. and if i draw either one of thos good cards i would have a chance at winning. walls of denials keep the enimies out. 0/8 flying and shroud for three. you cant beat that.
play me then see who sucks. Dumbass