I think you don't really need the combo with Jace. Focus on the last two combos, especially infinite mana + mistcutter hydra is hilarious. I would say:- 3 Jace- 1 Cyclonic Rift- 2 Stormbreath dragon+ 2 Hammer of Purphoros+ 2 Urban Evolution+ 2 Unexpected results (? I'm not too sure about this)
You don't really want to sideboard 8 Pithing needle ;)Also, 3 might be enough, and I'm not sure you need them at all. If Planeswalkers get in the way, just counter or burn them or attack with your creatures. The worst thing that can happen is that you get 3 cards exiled (Ashiok) or 10 to the yard (Jace), which could be quite painful but not too much considering that at turn 5 you should already have all your resources for combo.If it goes late, I can see how AEtherling would be a problem, but then again, focus on the combo. To play the bid dudes your opponent must likely be tappedout...
Pyromancer could be a good idea, although since it's a combo based I'd rather add more control and not being tapped out on turn 2 for a creature that won't last long (Pyromancer is an instant kill for any burn-removal)
Yes sorry I confused the name! Spell Rupture is indeed a very good choice, but remember it does nothing if you don't have creatures on the field (although with blistercoil you're likely to always have something!). If you want to add creatures, just add 3 Spellheart Chimera and leave 1 slot free for extra counter/burn.
Take out the electromancer for 2 syncopate and 2 swan songs. If you want to keep the budget, maybe Dispel instead of swan song, or 4 Syncopate. Also, you might want to sideboard some bouncer (Journey's End?) against aggro and/or boardwipe (you bounce back your own creatures!)
I do really like the deck, although this version seems to rely on the combo too much... if it's disrupted in any way (and there are many, considering that not all removals target creatures in this format) you're basically done. This version is much better: http://www.mtgvault.com/drshagnasty/decks/25-izzet-4-turn-win-theros/ considering that it sticks to the budget at least.If you don't have the problem of budget, then you might want to tweak the deck a little bit in order to have multiple win conditions!Anyway, +1!
I really like the idea and I'm going to test it very soon, but I'm afraid this won't have many chances against a good control deck or against heavy removals. I would sideboard something against blue at least...
Thanks, it might be a good addition although I usually spend mana to kick the warcaller so the manacurve shouldn't be very high!
Any suggestion how to adapt it post rotation?
Thanks for the suggestion? What would you replace them with?
Thanks guys! So teleportal has been a winning condition so fare alongside with Assemble the legion, but depending on what comes out in Theros I might exchange it with Dragonshift. I don't feel like dropping Assemble to 2 cause I do really need it in my hand as soon as possible, just one on the field is fine but it can be countered/remove and other 2 in the decks are good replacement. Moreover, it's not a dead card cause I can always play another one for more tokens.Azorius Charm is 3 cause it didn't come handy mani times, much better Boros charm (for damage in the face or making creature indestructible - I used it with Supreme verdict and it's been devastating!!)I'll consider dropping lands, although post rotation it will be much more difficult to get the right mana quickly.Any suggestion post rotation?
Maybeboard:3x Elvish Visionary2x Akroma's Memorial2x Asceticism2x Eldrazi Monument2x Ezuri, Renegade Leader4x Joiner Adept3x Nullmage Shepherd3x Overrun3x Presence of Gond4x Silhana Ledgewalker3x Tajuru Preserver3x Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers
Thanks! The plan so far is to add Assemble the Legion and some control element (Azorius charm, Render Silent, maybe Silence), and recalibrate burns (I'll lose searing spears, and there's nothing much interesting among the new red instants).
Very good deck! I'll take this as an inspiration for my next RWU. I'll adapt my Izzet to fit Standard from September on, taking off Tarland and replacing it with Pyromancer. Your deck is very good in terms of combination of burn and control, and I think Guttersnipe + Pyromancer + Assemble the Legion would give you enough creature to stop an aggro/blitz and then counterstrike with something big after a few turns. I'm not sure about good finishers though...