I used to play the old Bloodbraid Elf Jund, back a few years, and I loved the combination and amount of synergy that Black, Red, and Green have together. Recently, however, since the spoiling of Eidolon of the Great Revel in Journey into Nyx, I've been playing RDW (Red Deck Wins). Now, I want to move the Jund option into the Burn category, and this is the list I came up with, notice that it includes some Standard tech as well.
The game plan for this deck is extremely simple: play your small, fast threats until they get outclassed or removed, and then make the opponent tilt through throwing fire at their face.
Sideboarding versus Tier Modern Decks:
Affinity: +2 Searing Blood, +4 Destructive Revelry, -4 Skullcrack, -2 Atarka's Command
RDW/Burn: +3 Dragon's Claw, +2 Rain of Gore (if running Helix), -X cards (depending)
UR/UWR/Control Variants: +2 Rending Volley, +2 Rain of Gore, -4 cards (depending)
Rock/Jund/Abzan Variants: +2 Molten Rain, +2 Searing Blood, -2 Tasigur, the Golden Fang, -2 Grim Lavamancer
Zoo: +2 Molten Rain, +2 Rending Volley, +2 Searing Blood, -4 Lava Spike, -2 Skullcrack
Hatebears/Death and Taxes: +2 Rain of Gore, +2 Searing Blood, -2 Grim Lavamancer, -2 Tasigur, the Golden Fang
Martyr Proc/Soul Sisters: +2 Rain of Gore, +2 Searing Blood, -4 Lava Spike
Splinter Twin/ Kiki-Jiki: +2 Rending Volley, +4 Destructive Revelry, -4 Skullcrack, -2 Lava Spike
U/UW/GR Tron Variants: +2 Molten Rain, +4 Destructive Revelry, -4 Lava Spike, -2 Tasigur, the Golden Fang