I'm still thinking of it to add Illusions to the list (Delusions is a bit underpowered to me, it doesn't lock out much of your opponent)... The deck just needs a bit more testing and tinkering >>> but still +1 Illusions of Grandeur, -1 Reminsence
indeed, I didn't think about the clasp. To me, it's a better addition than blowfly infestation thx
Retether & Genesis to get some key cards back? Nice deck btw \m/
maybe Myr Reservoir to retrieve dead myrs, even in sideboard
I thought about putting it in, but decided it didn't fit the theme nicely. So I added Lightning Serpent instead...
Sensei's Divining Top... one of the cheapest, coolest, unlimited cards i ever played...gave me a smile every time I drew it :)
@dontbefooled83; then it had to be on wotc site; or are you just using sarcasm? :D BUT, cards you own from outside the game (Spawnsire of Ulamog)>> mainly consists of your sideboard >>Whetwheel is a mean addition also...
Changed Ivory Mask with Leyline of Sanctity... so much better
Erayo, Soratami Ascendant? one of those annoying cards in Edh & Highlander
Loam Lion could replace Kird Ape but that's just an appearance change ;D, Battlegrace Angel could be a replacement for Baneslayer Angel (it lacks +/-60%of Battlegrace's abilitys, but he's ten times cheaper...)
Maybe Tectonic Edge? It's only an uncommon... :D (Maybe sideboard, when you know an opp will play some non-basic lands); Aftershock takes care of critters also, Flowstone Flood has buyback, Lay Waste has cycling, Raze has a drawback but you play mana acc spells, Seismic Spike adds RR to your mana,...
I was wrong there o.O, Form of the dragon ability still happens,... Just have to be more cautiouswith lifepoints :D
I would put in Reins of Power instead of Act of Treason > Steal all their creatures to sacrifice them to Greater Gargadon
I would add Buried Alive instead of Corpse Conoisseur; it is much more fun to see 3 demigods enter the battlefield and attacking the same time... check my deck; http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=28294
I'm already running a couple of martyrs, pillory seems a little slow to me, put in divinity (goot alt-win condition) thanks... also put ghostly prison in SB, just when you need a bit of extra protection...
I always tend to play isochron sceptre with orim's chant (to really irritate the opponent off course...), but maybe it doesn't fit the deck mechanics...
didn't thought about that thx
good comment; I thought about it to use those; but to cast worship and/or pariah requires more creatures (and i don't have space left :( )... but still, thanks for the comment
When I play Cho-Manno I always tend to put in Pariah, just because of the synergy, also works with Dawn Elemental. I would put Quietus Spike in place of Gorgon Flail, but that is just an opinion (because the unblockables)
I play a similar deck & added scapegoat just in case... top deck
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