Tested the deck, and it is absolutely amazing. Lost once to a quite good control deck, but that was because the game was multiplayer - goblins don't do very well in that type of game. So casual multi is not a good way of playing this deck, but 1v1 it is basically unstoppable - it has no counterpoint at all.
Pretty good for a sliver deck, although I've never really been a big fan of them. Your mana curve is ok, unlike many sliver decks. But I am in favor of the Sliver Queen at the least. 5 mana for a 7/7 that can pump out slivers very easily is a pretty nice strategy. Especially if you have the vials getting out slivers at 2 or 1 mana costs, you can afford to pay 2 for 1/1 tokens each turn most likely. The only card lacking is a good tutor for key elements in your deck like essence/magma slivers.
No draw cards or scry card. Feels like a very hopeful control deck. You better be damn lucky your opponent doesn't overwhelm you by turn 4. I'd get some more of those cards into the mix and less counterspells.
I don't understand your deck's goal. Half your cards are damage preventers and half are spell preventers and almost none are actual damage dealers. Your deck seems much to defensive to be practical, it has no end game. Also, a countering blue deck would destroy yours.
Very very high mana costing cards man. Definitely put 4 Dark Rituals and at least 40% swamps in here if you want these kind of cards out. Also, spruce up your creature column so that all of you best creatures are much more prevalent than the bad ones. But seriously, your mana curve should have most of your creatures at the 1-3 corner, not the 4-6 corner. That means put a lot more low mana cost creatures in your deck and less high mana ones. But leave ones in like Gempalm Polluter, that guy's only reason as a card is for the cycle effect. If you have lots of zombies on the battlefields, that card absolutely wrecks the opponent's life stream .... for only 2 mana! Oh, and I wouldn't stress the Unearth ability too much - it costs too much. Go more for a regeneration deck and you'll be fine.
The only problem is getting the hoard of goblins out at all before the opponent kills you. Most of your cards cost WAY too much mana to be efficient (goblin charbelcher, goblin marshal, goblin chariot, embermage goblin, Ib, goblin wizard, goblin game, and goblin offensive are all good examples). Furthermore, you have to rule out the ones that don't really give you anything. Raging Goblin, Goblin Mountaineer, again goblin chariot, goblin game, and goblin caves. On the last note -> +0/+2 gives you absolutely nothing in a goblin deck. Goblins are supposed to attack very quickly with high force and leave none for blocking, i.e. don't waste 3 mana on a defensive tactic when you can get another goblin out there attacking. Sidenotes.. Embermage Goblin is not worth the mana to do a lousy 1 per turn. Mountainwalk is another overhyped ability because most of the other red creatures are bad, other than goblins -- so goblin king isn't all that great. Goblin Marshal is most likely the worst card to put in a goblin deck b/c it costs 6 mana each turn and only produces 4 meatsack 1/1's. If I were you, focus on better cards like the piledriver, lackey, and matron. Check my goblin deck out if you want more ideas. And btw, rofl at your sideboard, mate.
I see what you mean. But I feel that my deck is centered around getting creatures out that complement each other. My Goblin Piledriver is the center of my deck (I figured this out after I built it) and is put into play by various tactics (Goblin Matron finds it, Goblin Lacky/Aether Vial puts it into play) and deals a whopping amount of damage each successful turn. Stingscourgers are there to help my piledriver successfully deal damage unscathed. I'm thinking of pulling the Piledrivers down to 1 and putting 3 Frenzied Goblins in its place. One, piledrivers are very expensive; two, matrons can easily pull the piledriver out of the deck; two, the frenzied goblins will be very helpful in paving the way for the piledrivers to deal damage.
If you want a quick deck, this is it for goblins. Matron, Ringleader, Warchief, Lackey, and the Aether Vials all make for rapid-fire goblins. Out of all the cards that fit the vintage format, this is the combination used for the quickest goblin action. I've seen yours, lynx and you have too many high mana cards for it to be quick >_<
amazing deck, truly flawless. The only thing is that you should have 4x of "No cards in main deck", it'll help.