1: dont run a theme deck with 3 themes 2: why no islands shifting sliver mean anything to you? 3:the changlings dont do much for it 4 and yeah 1 of like everycard winning could be like the winning the lottery 5: crypt sliver is your friend 6: kinda fat at 71 cards and like 20 of them are wasted for no reason
1 its to big 2 theres such a low chance of getting the right cards 3 all you did was put a ton of radom cards in a pile and added some lands
with only 1 of each card kinda worthless all you did was take some of the famous cards and threw them in a deck
bleh just another sliver deck
thats err kinda not even good enough for a newb
its missing most of the good slivers crypt no point in shadow just use shifting you should have atleast one magma .
no you just need to click on the ones that say basic land
Why the myrs? why glory seekers theres way better cards sacred necter? no offence kinda wastes space
i lost to a boros tinker and some other decks when i get mana screwed and i only do friday night magic but for that i replace naths with tauntings and caller and mentor with 2 more creepings wild pair for coat of arms
Claws is right
umm no offence i think the theme deck could be this
yeah im trying to find a way to make this deck more offensive
im sorry that deck just sucks
kinda uh sucks ass
step one if you dont get lotus blossoms hang tight? with what you got nothing to block with? no creatures to play
take out 2 gem slivers and put in 2 mirari wakes...bu just my opinion
You cant even commit suicide with it!
nah you kill them before you put the 3rd out
Lol if you win with this deck the only reason is YOU HAVE ALL THE BEST CARDS!!!
Add partrich's bidding to it.
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