Lean & Mean Rakdos

by zalmanz on 10 December 2013

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Sorceries (5)

Instants (10)

Submit a list of cards below to bulk import them all into your sideboard. Post one card per line using a format like "4x Birds of Paradise" or "1 Blaze", you can even enter just the card name by itself like "Wrath of God" for single cards.

Deck Description

Due to current meta-game after playing rakdos for awhile in standard I have made a smaller and faster build. Striker & Marauders help get around blockers and plenty of removal to stock big threats and Necromancers to protect against sweepers. I have cut Exava out of the build to be able to go down to 20 land from 22 and become more spell dense.

How to Play

Bad matchups included big black creature decks hence 4 dark betrayal in sb, other small aggro especially white weenie hence 4 eletrickery in sb (if no 1 drop creature against weenie need to electrickery for 1 to spoil their momentum), against big green/red aggro swap mortars for 2 more doom blades & duress & slaughter games for control. Very Important to have mortars main board to be able to kill blood baron and sweep elspeth tokens if game goes long.

Deck Tags

  • Aggro
  • Standard
  • Rakdos

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 287 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

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