tyrant's choice from conspiracy? some of the conspiracy cards. like the councils judgement, fit theme well
hmm I was thinking cutthroat was a 2/2r some reason... krakclan works well, good call
so this is pretty cool.some more sac outlets for myr retriever is a good idea, and things like blood artist and zulaport cutthroat are other wins than ordeal. good list though
thanks! its still a work in progress, although it has been performing well so far
http://www.mtgvault.com/zaklax13/decks/legacy-enchanted-wish/is the forum dead? im seeing zero comments on competitive decks
reflecting pool and grim tutor
run mox diamond, maybe sensei divining top?
With the eldrazi right now big game hunter in black seems good. I'm trying to jam g for you let me work on it!
it can have multiple creature trypes in tribal format, as long as they all share one. ehy all need to be rogues, but you can have elf rogue, and human rogue.
i think the black splash has utility without worsening the deck, like necromancer and bob, but it starts to change the deck quite a bit. same way yo could add grean too and run eternal witness and may of avabruck
My shop has them. Wizards doesn't charge us a penny, we give em out for free.
groundbreaker is an option
with wingmate roc, siege rhino, thought-knot seer, you have some amazing blink targets
oh I really like this!!!
tell him to put some decks on here!
so you labeled it as just a fun deck, but I really think this has potential. really like your list. ive thought for awhile that illusions are just a few good cards from being a tiered deck. only suggestion is cavern of souls
I think with the modern meta the way it is, you are better off building melira/anafenza company combo.http://sales.starcitygames.com//deckdatabase/displaydeck.php?DeckID=98527something to look at. abzan goodstuff like this list is just a few steps behind in the format. and the manabase is rearrangable to eat some of the cost. if you are looking for more budget decks I would head over to mtggoldfish and look at saffron olives list of modern budget decks. sorry moderators for the off-site links :P
http://www.mtgvault.com/zaklax13/decks/modern-eldrazi-too-good/can I get some help with this discussion/idea?
really wish we had crystalline silver in modern
lol ok I thought he was smoking crack lol. I think this can be a winning strategy, I still see it posting decent legacy results, but it needs a pro/someone better than me to tune the crap out of it
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