another thing to consider is to take out the blight dragon and run grave titans
Honestly I think the reason you lost is that you took no removal at all, forsee's and cards like that are only good when setting up a combo and should be one of the last picks of a pack. Tome scour is entirely useless if you're not running mill and mill is stupid hard to set up decently in limited (except if you grab a keening stone in eldrazi). You should have taken more small creatures, usually I set it up on a curve. I'll have 10 piles in front of me being 1 mana cost creature/spell, 2 mana cost creature/spell up to 5+.
Lok'Tar Ogar. Also I like it I just don't like that there is no big finisher and you're creatures don't really get big so you're left with a curve that looks a little low.
Nice looking deck although I'd take out Sign in Blood as you already have a lot of cmc 2 moves. I'd main board some feast of blood's because they're awesome. Other then that it looks a lot like mine.
forgot to comment of the vengevine, yeah it would be awesome but I don't want to mess too hard with the ally synergy despite how easy two creature spells in a turn are.
Thanks, haha I did some searching and I don't know how I forgot about that. Yeah I'm definitely going to SB them going to take out the journeys from the SB for them. I'm sort of thinking about either Vines or emerge unscathed for single target creature removal but I'm not sure because usually a second ally would be just as good as keeping my original one and later game I can use Kabira with a Join the Ranks. Lmk your thoughts.
I really like the deck, I don't understand why you have the Makindi Shieldmate in there but I like everything else.
I'll playtest the excavators and see how I like them, but I'd prefer to be beatdown for the most part. I also want to try clerics in the deck at some point to see how I like them. Looking at your deck I think I'm going to replace something with ancient ziggurats. I'll make the ideal sideboard now but yeah arialists are probably needed to compete with flyover decks.
The Harabaz are more there for dropping large amounts of allies at once when combo'd with Loremaster.
The more win conditions would be nice, but I don't think it's needed and it will clutter it up I think. Milling like 20 cards would be nice and all (I doubt it would mill much more then that) wouldn't make a difference assuming they don't draw through other means. I basically chose this deck to replace my vamp deck based on how I see these decks stall around turn 5 and I think the sea gate loremaster will fix any stalling problems.