thanks man i do too. its fast and powerfull and hard to block and do damage too. its weakness is colorless creatures but not by much
i use skithiryx for blocker. and it doesnt matter the color of the dragon bc of my cryptic gates and quicksilvers
nope id have to buy somei use the rituals for black black isnt really priority in this
and they cant fog malignus ar other prevention. so ya its death to life gain no matter the life total. and ya im still working out the mana for this one
lol yes i should be transmuting
did u see my clones? a really fun deck man. i just kinda slapped this together bc my friends like to boost their life totals to like alot so malignus plus boros charm and give it a pro color so they cant block, and death
^^ right sejiri steppe takes up a plains spot
but yes very very much so aggro lol people hate this deck bc its so straight forward and the redonkulus amounts of damage
oh yes i have the devotion . once u activate one shrine, u cast another for the land that turn and activate it, sac the one already in play and add 2 times ur devotion to ur mana pool. the new legend rule doesnt require you to sac them both. i can use that mana to pump moonveil, or shivians direct damage or a big ass fireball from flameblast. really its just overkill :) scourge and utvara usually do the job
right! thanks dude id put more in if i had more lol
right! thanks dude. i would so put more if i had more lol
trickery charms... me lol and saphire charms
nananana found all ur blue. i think ima make this deck. seems legit
21-33 of 33 items