Except for the occasional mana screw, it actually is one of the more fun decks I've made in a while...
NIce. Cradle hadn't even crossed my mind. I'll definitely trade out a couple boons for it. Thanks for the suggestion.
Yeah, I'm really not a big fan of white weenie... Kind of bummed that it can run through most of my other decks....Damn Kithkins
Thanks, man. I think I might have finally gotten most of the kinks out. It's been playing pretty well.
Why not throw in a Felidar Sovereign or two in there for shits and giggles?
Fair enough haha.
I would definitely look into Elrazi Monument....It is essentially a game over if you play it smartly....not to mention, if you add a couple more Wren's in there, you'll have a good flow of little guys to throw out.... Also, I think a Lys Alana Huntmaster would be worthwhile.....If you're using elves already, why not get a few more....
No Dimir Doppleganger?
If you're still working on this deck, let me know and I'll give you some suggestions based on my U/B discard....
My biggest suggestions would be: To add 4 Howling Mine's to the mix to make surethey always have cards in hand... And to trade up some of your blue counters for 4 Perplex's and Countersqualls.... Maybe try out a couple Recoils and possibly undermine or Urza's Guilt Also, I would either trade out the Megrim for Liliana's Caress or just add them.... A few other cards to consider..... Wheel of Fortune....Memory Jar....Blizzard Spector....Breathstealers Crypt....Consult the Necrosages etc... Sorry for the overload there haha. I've had both a U/B or R/B discard deck for ages...Always one of my favorite decks....Hit me up if you want anymore suggestions.....
Just throwing a couple things out there... I can't really gauge how quickly your deck starts working, but I'm thinking Howling Mine would be a welcome addition to make sure your lands keep coming and the the right creatures are falling....just a thought Also, Have you considered Avenger of Zendikar? Think your deck would be a nice home for him....
The two cards I would dig seeing in there are Coalition Victory and Progenitus. Whether or not Prog would help your deck, I'm not sure but I've always wanted to get that thing into play, just once for the big "Oh Shit" moment....
My only suggestion is to throw in a few Lullmage Mentor's and replace some some draw spells with counters....
I had looked into buying a couple Mind Funerals...Seems like it would be a good fit And I actually did have 4 Dimir Aqueducts and a couple other "comes into play tapped" lands in there before the first revision...I took them out because I was having a problem getting things going early in the game, but I'll try throwing them back in when I do the next revise.... Thanks for the pointers, man
I'm trying to get this baby into proper working order....without spending an arm and a leg, haha. Help would be GREATLY appreciated. I love getting feedback. Thank you ahead of time.... http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=155524
I'm a little hesitant to take out the two Mundungu's....They've actually proven to be somewhat beneficial in buying some time, chump blocking, and on a couple occasions proved enough of an annoyance to warrant removal on them....BUT I have been considering giving them the heave-ho so I might head your advice.... I'll check into the Memory Erosions... Any more pointers would be appreciated
The deck has been working fairly well for just having built it, but it needs a little tweaking.... I'd love to get some suggestions on it, though. This is literally the first deck I've thrown together in about 10 years...Just bought my friends collection and am trying to get reacquainted with the game...
I only have a couple minor suggestions.... One is to throw in a few Underworld Dreams to punish them even further for drawing And two is to trade out a few discard spells for Hymm to Tourach.... Other than that, this is pretty damn similar to a deck I'm working on at the moment