Looks more like blue mill with black discard. If you want true black/blue mill you should look into "Mind Funeral" "Mind Grind" "Glimpse the Unthinkable" "Nemesis of Reason" "Consuming Aberration" and "Memory Sluice".
Good idea, I pulled 2 Luminescent Rains and threw 2 Alpha Status in.
Very nice deck, makes me want to delve into the set and experiment with the new vampires.
This deck has some nasty potential, and for an $8.23 mid price? You could do some work with this and at the cost one could afford to make it nastier. This is a fantastic base deck idea in my opinion, good work.
Have you considered Voracious Dragon? Devour 1, and does damage to player equal to 2x # of goblins it ate.
Just changed the deck up, almost got beat by a fast, weak flying deck.. Just added 2 ezuri's archers, and diversified the deck a bit. Anyone have thoughts on Fauna Shaman? He was in my first elf deck, along with Elvish Piper but I have eliminated high summoning creatures, and the reliance on any one card. Just don't know if its worth removing some cards to put 2 in.. As for me now running 1 of quite a few cards, its diversity that seems to be working quite well. Only card I'd consider ditching is Arbor Elf, and even he has saved me/sped up the deck a lot in a few games.
Have only popped Nissa once, and promenades aren't that great anymore after addition of genesis wave and doubling chant.
Thinking about throwing 2 concordant crossroads in, thoughts?
Not bad, but Earthcraft is why mines expensive.
Is there a point to this?
You asked me to comment, here it is. Your mana curve needs attention, for a beginner you need a quicker paced deck, keep a bulk of your deck below 4 mana, 5 is pushing it. As for the number of each card in the deck your going to have 30 random abilities when you should chose 5-6 abilities you really want and throw numerous of those cards in, increasing odds of getting the desired outcome. You commented on my Myr deck, look at the cards in that and my elf deck; the theme is pumping, and abilities that make them hard to kill/block. Decide what the goal of the deck is, then find cards that suit it.
All the cards that matter are at 3 mana..
Situational, and its never lost. I dont rely on the three cards, but they are nice to stumble on.
Fauna Shaman +Elvish Piper+ Progenitus, Panglacial Wurn, or Vigor.
Lava Burst, Blaze, Banefire, Red Leyline? Book Burning..
More lands + Cast Through time, and Mystical Tutor.