Hey bro, I finaly made an account! I agree with AkromasFury on this one. I personaly would take out Precursor Golem, Glimmerpoint Stag and Obstinate Baloth for some Mana Leaks, Spell Pierces, Perodians and/or Journey to Nowheres. Gaining health is not the main focus of this deck its more mana ramp control so I would substitute Baloth for Mana Leaks for game changing control. Acidic Slime would be your main bouncer, destroying anything vs exiling them till the end of the turn with the Stag. (That being said, you could sub Spine too, the only thing outta Slimes reach would be Planeswalkers and I'm sure you dont wanna destroy your own permanents.) You have more then enough creatures so subing Precursor Golem for Journeys might be a good move. I also think that Explore would be more beneficial over Cultivate for drawing answers. Since you already have 26 lands your almost always gonna have an extra land in your hand not counting on the extra draw. Thats just my opinion. Oh and I like the side borded Sunblast Angel! lol I like her.