that is true, i think he would serve well in the side board in that case
the grave titans make the behemoths scary, and by the time i get out a titan the won't focus on the mana producers they will be focusing on the titans
lucky, that's one of the main combos i hear for red decks
thank you for returning my faith in this site
this deck seems like it would be fun to play
i'll give him that input
by feeding their permanents to the dragon while holding off by breaking land and creatures and gaining life
seems sick man
try flame servant or Furnace of Rath
this is the only way i could get the land to flow right, which kinda makes me mad
so i can get creatures in my graveyard for the moorland haunt a little easier
thanks but i think the dungeon geists might be a little expensive
thanks, but you might be surprised at the number of decks running the souleater+fling combo
ya, it's there to make things permanently larger
thanks that's a good point
not cathars' crusade is scarier. i originally thought of using tempered steel but then i though why stop at a mere +2/+2
i play "fleas"
looks like it could be a lot of fun to play
the coating is there to be used with the angel to save whatever my opponent is trying to target
i fixed it
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