Draw suggestions:Archmage Ascension over LazavSage of Fables over Renegade KrasisZameck Guildmage over Giant AdephageAcademy Elite over Rancor
That's too obvious. Keep in mind I don't have the widest knowledge of cards, but I will look into grid.
Yeah, maybe not worth it if it's a four drop. So what about Zhur-Taa Druid for small burn+ramp and Rada, Heir to Keld for a decently solid ramp?
True. My knowledge of rampers isn't great. But I do know that there is one that taps for devotion.
Merely because I did not know such card existed. Changing it now. Thanks haha
Would Gyre Sage or Whisperer of the Wilds help with ramp at all?
Have you thought of including Wild Beastmaster as a target for Xenagos's ability? Possibly with a Might of the Masses as well? You would have to focus on buffing it for a few turns, but the potential for massive damage output is easily there since it shares it's power with all other attacking creatures. Also, I think Berserkers' Onslaught would be better than Avatar of Slaughter. It doesn't grant the opponent double strike and also costs less.
Okay, so what cards allow you to expand your boardstate quickly? If the point is to overrun your opponents, how does that happen?
I'm curious as to why you wouldn't run Servant of the Scales since the point is to eat your own creatures to gain counters.
Well the Whisperers usually tap for 2 in a max of two Hero procs.
Thanks man.
Thanks man