
0 Decks, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

When do you cast Wall of Blood? And where is the summoner sickness for the active ability? :)

Posted 05 November 2012 at 08:27 as a comment on Turn 2 WIN


Ummm ... I have a quite similar idea, but I was using Sublime archangel and Thragtusk instead of Res Angel and Silverheart ... What I was thinking was to use Cloudshift/Faith shield for defense purpose and using Sublime Archangel as offense... since you can use the effect of Sublime right after you cast her, and her effect stacks ... (thinking of a 4/4 smiter with x2 exalted for 3-4 creatures and a rancor)

Let me know what do you think

Posted 05 November 2012 at 08:20 as a comment on green/white aggro


I added Cloudshift/Faith's Shield to protect the Chalice and Avatar. It's hard to decide which one to use though... Cloudshift can protect your creatures and gain some bonus for lots of your creatures (Sanctifier, Inquisitor, Suture Priest) but cannot protect your key item - Chalice; while Faith's Shield can do better defensive job but no bonus. I guess you should add them both to sideboard and choose depends on the situation.

One thing I also noticed is, the deck kinda lack of defense against flying creatures. As Delver is so popular these days, you probably want to add some flying creatures for that. I have these for choices: Angelic Wal (1W 0/4 Flying wall, cheap and uesful, could be better with Nearheath Pilgrim)
Serra Avenger(WW 3/3 Flying Vigilance, cannot be used for first 3 turns)
Seraph of Dawn(2WW 2/4 Flying lifelink)
I don't really know except Delver if there's any aggro deck can have quick 3 power creatures. If not I guess Serra Avenger would be best for the air defending.

Posted 16 July 2012 at 01:35 as a comment on M13 Lifegain
