I like this deck a lot!
Not bad. Just pretty mana-expensive. Not too much defense either, but I really like the idea.
Sweet strong deck.
Nice. I also have an elf deck. A good elf creature is Seeker of Skybreak. It's not too bad.
Sweet deck. It seems tough to play against.
So how do you win? You could get Platinum Angel out and then play Phage the Untouchable but you would want to get rid of Platinum Angel then. What's the combo?
I like it. Has strong creatures plus land destroy. Nice.
Sweet deck. I have always wanted a Soldier deck. Sweet deck.
Ambush Commander plus Voice of the Woods works quite well. I like that small combo.
I like, I like. Any deck with shadow is pretty cool. Another good shadow creature is Dauthi Trapper. Tap to make target creature have shadow until the end of turn.
Sweet deck! Pretty awesome. Would be pretty cool to play against a Sliver deck, too, huh?
This is a good deck. I'm sure that you're going to hear a lot of this, but a doubling season would be a great addition to this deck. Nice job.
I like, I like. Pretty good solid cards in here.
Pretty cool deck you have here. I like, I like.
I like this idea. It's an awesome deck, a very creative deck. Nice deck. Also, Consume Spirit isn't showing up, just to let you know. Awesome combo, though.
I really like this deck. It is awesome and can really surprise your opponent. Sweet deck!
**Seething Song for creature's cost, that is.**
I don't really have much to say but nice deck. The only issue that I see is your dragons would take a while to get out. The lowest creature-cost you have is, Helltaker, which is four mana. A burn deck may do something against this, like the deck that was previously posted, "Four Turn Burn." Then again, that is what Seething Songs is there for.Other than that, this deck would seem to work well. Nice deck and one love.
I like this burn deck a lot.
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