
7 Decks, 45 Comments, 0 Reputation

There are other cards with "fireball" effects (such as blaze) so it might be a good idea to add few of those if you are having problems with your 4 fireballs being countered. I think this deck needs a few more one/two drop elves or more mana exel. other then that, its a very nifty idea. as always, just my two cents.

Posted 22 December 2007 at 04:54 as a comment on Elfball


that seems like a fun deck. I would add in some Tainted Plains (or something like that...its from Torment) to help with mana fixing, but other then that. I like how you have two different combos. Cuz you are already running the Underworld Dreams, you may as well throw in some Puzzle Box. That could be fun. That, and Enlightened Tutor would do wonders for this deck, as would the black tutors. as always, just my two cents.

Posted 15 December 2007 at 10:11 as a comment on the rack deck


up the Urazatron to 4 each. Also, if you want to be crazy with brokenness run 4 Skullclamp. The Darksteel Citadel would also be a good pick. Remove Soul Foundry for 2 more Energy Chamber, and I would personally splash in blue for the "tinker" cards that it has. After all, you really don't have a win condition without the Plating. Lastly, I would throw in some late game enders (Platinum Angel and Darksteel Colossi are my personal favorites). As always, just my two cents.

Posted 12 December 2007 at 04:54 as a comment on Artifact Overrun


Get rid of the Necromancy effects (i.e. Necromancy, Animate Dead, Woebearer..etc) and focus more on removal effects. This will keep the board clean for your critters to hit the other guy in the face turn after turn. I would also up the number of Destructive Ugres to 4, and maybe even add a few more critter that are cheaper. You seem to have a very high mana curve as it stands now. As always, just my two cents.

Posted 11 December 2007 at 22:34 as a comment on TNT 1 2 3 Boom


I have to agree with Pow42... you need to cut it down to 60 and run multiples otherwise your deck will be very erratic. Just pick the ones you like to play with and run them. just my two cents.

Posted 11 December 2007 at 22:26 as a comment on the black death plague


i would centralize the deck a little bit. as in you have way too many 1 of's and therefor very little constancy. i would also throw in some search cards (Congregation at Dawn and the treefolk harbinger for example) i would throw in some more of the Petroglyps (sp?) they are crazy good with the tokens. also mana exel would not hurt at all. as always, just my two cents.

Posted 11 December 2007 at 12:52 as a comment on Saprolings for the Win


WAY to many one of's... pick a few and run with them. this deck does not have very much constancy....

Posted 11 December 2007 at 12:00 as a comment on greenwhite


Get more Militia's Pride in there. Also, I would get rid of the Greatheart..maybe add more of the Cenn's Heir... just my two cents.

Posted 11 December 2007 at 10:14 as a comment on March of the Kithkin


get rid of all the artifacts. none of them help you that much. also do away with the Dampen Thought, Psychic Drain, and Dimir Machinations. also, add more of the legends. they are great, so you want to be able to draw them. another one of two of them would not hurt. even if you draw the 2nd one, you can just use it as a back up in case the one in play dies.
i would also find some cheaper casting cards. your mana curve is really high. as always, just my two cents.

Posted 11 December 2007 at 07:57 as a comment on Library Where Art Thou


Wow... i love the idea. I have never seen a mono sliver deck before. personally, i would splash in green for the other +1 +1 sliver along with the +2 +2 one...and maybe even the trample one (sorry, names escape me at the moment)

Posted 11 December 2007 at 07:46 as a comment on White Sliver


I would add in some cards that let you discard your own hand (things like Wild Mongrel...cept you want the white version I suppose..) cuz right now you only have 4 cards that let you do that. Other then that, great job. Its a very solid deck. one question though: the Oblivion Ring is used to remove the Barren Glory from the game right? So you sack the O Ring to something like Claws (along with everything else) and then the Barren Glory comes back in and you win. I'm guessing thats to protect BG?

Posted 11 December 2007 at 07:05 as a comment on


get ride of the hive stone and all the non-slivers. also, get rid of the defensive cards. Sliver decks play very aggressively. you may want to add in some burn/kill spells just to ensure that you can keep the opponents creatures down. Also, pick a hand full of slivers you like and put in 3-4 of them. you need consistency so get rid of the one of's. just my two cents.

Posted 10 December 2007 at 18:47 as a comment on Silver Strike


It is infinite damage. Stuffy taps, deals a damage to itself and 1 to an opponent. Guilty Conscience triggers and deals another damage to the Stuffy. That makes the Stuffy deal another damage to the opponent. Guilty Conscience triggers again and so on and so forth. The counter magic is all 1U cuz this is a two color deck, and besides, I just have to delay them long enough to pop the combo.

Posted 10 December 2007 at 17:08 as a comment on


i would add in some small attackers, otherwise you are not going to be able to pop the Heights. Tokens might be a good idea, you are running green after all. and why not put in something crazy like the Darksteel colossi or a spell like Searing Wind. just my two cents.

Posted 10 December 2007 at 07:24 as a comment on


i would knock the card count down to 60. Also, get rid of the red. Black and Blue is all you really need.

Posted 10 December 2007 at 03:15 as a comment on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


remove some of the bigger boys from the deck and swap in some smaller creatures. Hell, even walls will do the trick to hold off the hordes for awhile. But your mana curve is way to high. Get some one drops and what not in there. All the creatures don't have to be giants.

Posted 07 December 2007 at 20:12 as a comment on Giants


VERY cool idea. Gotta say that I really like it. I would add in some Legendary tutors (I think that Kawigama may have some..) or the green tutor that lets you find a creature (just get the big guy out there faster). A little black removal could not hurt either. But thats only my two cents.

Posted 07 December 2007 at 09:02 as a comment on Toughness over Power


Reduce the number of cards to 60. I would suggest taking out the Battle Growth and Clock Spinning, the Thrives are good though. Also, add in 3 more Voidslime, and maybe even a few more counters and some bounce (you could remove counters from your own creatures then bounce them back to your hand and replay them). In addition, I would focus on a few creatures and reduce the total amount of creatures (i.e. take out the one of's and add some more of the other types so that you run more 3 and 4 of's)

Posted 07 December 2007 at 04:01 as a comment on


wow... this is a really neat idea. I love how all the critters do something when they hit the graveyard. I honestly cant make any suggestions. Great job.

Posted 07 December 2007 at 03:26 as a comment on Deathrent


Reduce the cards down to 60, focus on one combo and use a bunch of fetch to find the components. This deck seems far to random. A neat idea, it just need some refining.

Posted 06 December 2007 at 08:20 as a comment on Underworld Lich


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