Anger of the gods would also be pretty important for your deck. You will not have alot of prensence early in the game.
Underworld connection, permanents that draw cards are a great way to gain advantage from sire of insanity
Made a similar deck( I prefer using Boros Reckoner over banisher priest for the devotion. But nice deck, might take a few idea's from it :D
Who is your commander?
Nice idea, I had a similar idea in the old standard( I was pretty excited about Tymaret. Will definitely try something similar to your build once I get my theros cards. The onyl thing I would change would be the Rescue from the underwolrd, possibly for burning earth(if you keep it all basic lands), mizzium mortars, Lightning Strike or possibly even demonic tutor(to give you a way to get Tymaret out quickly). Lightning Strike would be a good way to finish Master of cruelties job. All things said, nice idea I like playing those kind of decks.
Im gonna try something like that with ogre battledriver in for 2 chandra's phoenix and 1 desacration demon. Nice idea.
Ive made a vaguely similar deck : Feel free to make any suggestion. Mayby it can give you a few ideas.
Dragonshift, its crazy when you hve alot of tokens
To many 1-2s, by exemple wich do you prefer betwen staff of the mind magus and tablet of the guilds. Run 2 of you favorite one.
Wastleland Viper for wall of Vines. Spiders are allready good blockers :D
Less creature, more spells! Try filling up the 3 mana spot for instant to resolve Firmemind Foresight to its full capacity. Look at my deck : . Any comment suggestion would be appreciated.
I would say you dont have enought Instant or sorcery's to maximise your monsters effect. at my similar deck
Ill try it out, allready have the card and from the game's I played I rarely draw DP in situations were it helps me out. It does pretty well againts deck with few removal, not as good when my opponents run 4 oblivion ring's. Im waiting to see what Theros will offer and ill tweek it a bit when the rotation will be made.
Ogre batledriver the "free" +2 and haste works reallys well with fling. It gives you the option to attack before flinging
Nice deck. Try remplacing lord of riots by ogre battledriver for a few games. I think he would really be a better fit in your deck.
I checked, resonator doesnt work really with desacration demon. Unfortunatly you can trigger strionic to have your opponent have to choose two times if he sacs a creature(since the trigger is at the beggiing of the combat phase) wich he will not do since your demon is allready taspped af. Ill try it out. Unfortunatly, I dont have the felling pyromencer's and Newt's effect are worth copying for 2 mana. Ill tell you how it works out.
Interesting, any idea wath you would take out?
Made a few changes, mostly trying to up the number of instants and sorceries to feed young pyro
Added 1 cauldron, 1 act of treason and 2 traitourous instincts
I would probably take out dark prohecy for 2 exquisite atm.
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