Id trade out gavaleer since you have no equips. Id replace him with goblin Bushwacker
I like call to serve because it is a cheap enchantment that boosts their power but also gives one of my guys flying which can send my powered up Cenn's Heir over top of all their blockers
I do really like angelic destiny but I'm trying to keep the price range down. Its already starting to get expensive. Eldrazi monument might work though ill play with the idea and see how it flows. Thanks!!
Good spells with equip decks are dispatch. Easy metalcraft
very nice price range especially with Skitheryx in there
Goblin Guide. Check mine out if you want.
Quest of Pure Flame x4
Silence. Definitely silence also
I would suggest a few more creatures to go with your equips. Also may throw in some dispatch's for spot removal since you will be running quite a few artifacts
Id also recomment Serra Avenger for a cheap 2 drop
Awesome deck. I love mono white. Id drop doomed traveler and selfless cathar for 2 more champions. Or maybe get rid of a few auramancers, you dont have THAT many enchantments and the ones you do have arent gonna go anywhere anytime soon. Fun sounding deck though i like it!!
Maybe add some Kinsbaile Cavalier or Paladin en-Vec. Also I'd suggest 4 Armored Ascension especially with Cavalier. If not add some Battle Mastery.
I thought about it... Where would you suggest fitting him in?
This deck looks super fun!! Im a lil jealous of the idea. I had wanted to make a deck around predator ooze but havent gotten around to fleshing it out yet. Looks like an awesome deck
Thraben doomsayer
Very cool deck. I like the mono blue aspect.
Way to build on a budget. A decent deck for $35. Impressive. Would definetly do gravecrawler though and maybe one or two skaab ruinator if you have space
dude sweet deck. I love the werewolves in the new sets. Especially huntmaster of the fells!! He is gonna wreck shop
Great suggestions thank you. I like this one alot better. I added two hellkites and one wurmcoil cuz i need some late game power that can help me win if it lasts that long without giving up my counter ability. I love how its standard now. Appreciate it
Its sad without Armored Ascension and Battle mastery isnt it? lol
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