
3 Decks, 8 Comments, 0 Reputation

I think you should have 4 stuffy dolls. Akroma seems out of place here, it'll take too long to bring out. Think about adding Undying Rage. Also, there is no reason to use blaze when you can use disintegrate or better yet, demonfire.

Posted 24 February 2007 at 01:49 as a comment on Over Kill


I think that you should have four stuffy dolls and four pariah's shields since it's your main combo. I think Djinn Illuminatus will be way too slow. try some rite of flame or seething song to quickly get out stuffy doll/pariah's shield. Put in lightning axe (great combo with fiery temper), and take out guerilla tactics as it will only be good if the opponent makes you discard cards. If you have demonfire then I don't think you need disintegrate.

Posted 24 February 2007 at 01:45 as a comment on Boom Boom Boom


I think you should definitely have four Mishra, and that you have way too many of the mana producing Myr. Maybe you could tutor Mishra as well--Clutch of the Undercity is good, but Diabolic Tutor is better since it can also tutor Door to Nothingness. You really need to watch out for cards that destroy artifacts, especially Shattering Spree.

Posted 18 February 2007 at 13:25 as a comment on Tribal Myrs


I think you should put in some Diabolic Tutors, and move all your Damnations to your main deck. Also try using a few Mouth of Ronom as lands, and Telling Time.

Posted 18 February 2007 at 13:20 as a comment on T2 UB Stuffy du Louvre


You should really only have one Storm Herd, and at most 2 Serra Avatars. Check out Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant--I'm sure you'll want it in your deck. I'd say put in 4 Faith's Fetters as well. Check out Genju of the Sands and Martyr of Sands for some great life-gaining cards.

Posted 18 February 2007 at 13:16 as a comment on Cool Clerics


I think Telling Time would be better than Compulsive Research. Also you'll probably want more creatures, since with only 8 you won't be drawing them that often. Try Errant Ephemeron.

Posted 18 February 2007 at 13:08 as a comment on One More Please


You NEED more lands: It may seem like all your deck doesn't need a lot of mana, but with only 17 lands you will have a very high chance of a bad opening hand. I don't think Mindstab will help you, and I don't think Browbeat will be good in this deck. Many times the opponent will gladly take the 5 damage and you won't be able to finish him off. Also, you have a ton of creature removal, but think about enchantments and artifacts.

Posted 18 February 2007 at 12:47 as a comment on Planar_Chaos_Madness


I think your mana curve is way too high for only having 18 mana and no mana acceleration (which red doesn't have much of anyway). Don't use Hammerfist Giant because it will kill a ton of your own creatures. You should probably only have one Excruciator OR Akroma. Put in more Vulshok Sorcerers and Blood Knights. A lot of your other creatures seem out of place and not many of your cards complement each other. I'll give you more specific suggestions later.

Posted 18 February 2007 at 12:41 as a comment on
