tinderwall can replace lay of the land or utopia sprawl. problem with tinderwall is that it's 1 time use and it's only red. the good thing is.. that ppl are saying i don't have blockers.. and it also gives 2 mana on that 1 time use.
my friends and i have at least 1 copy of each of these cards if it matters..
prismatic lens cost an extra 1 to get any mana.. fertile ground is in addition to the mana from tapping the land, add any color mana. that's how i read it at least. i don't want to depend on a 1/1 creature like elvish piper (admittedly i didn't do much research).. and there's no assurance that i'll get it at all. it's only 1 less converted mana than 5 anyway.. what's nature's pinnacle i didn't find it
the point is.. once i get the combo i win. and i want to get it 7 turns and under.
oh damn edit.. i meant it's 1/7.5 chance to draw it and you draw 7 or 8 cards so it's pretty good chance to get it on first turn
let's see.. there's 8 mana acceleration cards for G.. that's 1/7.5 chance to get that first turn.. 8 mana accelerations for 1G also 1/7.5 chance, then 1/7.5 chance to get a card for mindslaver and 1/7.5 chance to get a card for bringer, 1/7.5 chance for a counter ONLY to counter w/e's trying to counter bringer. well.. getting all 5 colors isn't a problem. depending on channel the sun is a waste, 1/15 is bad. should be able to get 6 mana worth in 3-5 turns (3 lands, 3 mana acceleration.. if your luck isn't too bad at least 1 other land than forest, 3/10-12 cards is more than 1/3, 3/12 cards is 1/4.. actually i might need to work on that), and should be able to get either mind slaver or bringer out in 3-5 turns (out of 10-12 cards, 16/60 cards... having one or the other in your hand isn't a problem it's the mana). a mindslaver would stall a turn and waste some spells possibly, a bringer would be a pretty strong creature for 3-5 turns. i suppose a counter could be used on a strong creature if they don't have counters of their own. dispersal shield could be replaced with another counter cuz it depends on having play bringer. having blockers would slow the deck down.