No problem. One more thing, even though you have a few cards with a CMC of 4 and 5 I would drop your mountains down to 20.
Ooh good call on the wild growths. And the from beyond and awakening zone might help out against aggro. That aspect might be a little more difficult in this deck. I'm usually the one playing aggro, what usually shuts me down are 1 or 2 damage blanket cards that just wipes my creatures out. Maybe sandstorm in the sideboard.
Yeah I think that's a good call. The spawns are cool but it seems they are a short term solution.
Try replacing the elvish mystic with arbor elves and also put in overgrowths. If you get both cards out you could produce 6 mana with them alone.
I like this deck concept and aggro red decks are fun to play. If you don't mind the suggestions I would take out the goblin mountaineer and add a full play set of raging goblins. Also consider goblin wardrivers, foundry street denizen, frenzied goblin or goblin bushwhacker. I might also try to tighten up the manna curve with lower cost instants. Although the brimstone volleys are pretty cool. But 1 plus in my book.
This deck deserves more likes, aggro is so underrated. The only thing is a few early game creature removal cards would cause problems with only 19 creatures.
Meekstone would work well with angelic benediction and maybe castle in the side board.