Well, it works. Can't say I like it though. Bleh.
Gah. Right. Making changes now. Stupid math.
Well then...I should learn to read the card rather than go off of memory. I could have sworn Progy was a 20/20 without that ability. I wonder if it's possible to use Withengar Unbound? If nothing else, I suppose I could remove a few instances, trade Progy for Kuro, Pitlord. Well poo :|
I may decide to make this deck red/blue, however. I'm not sure if it'd speed things up or not.
Well poop. I need to learn to read all the way through.
There was when I started, haha.
So, looking at everything now and doing a bit of playtesting online, this thing can crank out an eldrazi pretty consistently on the third turn and can be ready to play another by the 5th, if not already on the 4th. I like. :D
Ooh....I like. haha, thanks for the suggestion :D
Long term plan...? If the turn 3/4 Eldrazi doesn't somehow get them, I'll keep cycling my combo until it works..the deck is pretty self-sufficient in being able to keep a method to sneak a creature into play when it's needed. I have been looking into Ancestral Knowledge, though. I'd be able to take out a few cards from the deck I don't need and be able to scry for what I do need for a turn or two before the upkeep cost gets too ridiculous.
Woops, forgot to change the description, haha. I originally had them in, but it slowed down the deck too much. I'd honestly like to get rid of a few draw affects to add cards to help slim down the deck, but I'm not sure what. :\
It's used in the event I'm playing against creatures that have recursion. I'd probably put in spell pierce or something instead when I don't need it.
Yeah, probably wouldn't hurt any.
Cabal Coffers, Volrath's Stronghold, Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth, Unholy Grotto, and a few other special lands would go nicely into this deck, I think.
Yeah, I thought about having Primal Bellow in the main board, but it just didn't seem to be as consistent as the other spells. Makes a good sideboard option though, and thank you for your suggestion.
Add in some Giant Growth's or something similar in place of ornithopters and memnites. Every +1/+1 on Jorga buffs up your other elves. Could get nasty pretty quick.
Why not Venser instead of Inexorable Tide for obvious unblockable reasons....or to phase stoneforge in and out of play...
This deck would work just fine against any deck. I'd consider exiling cards every turn a sizable threat, especially when every single creature could be exiled in 2 turns...(in the event of relentless rats). Not exactly meant to be a tournament winning deck either.
I'd also recommend Mana Leak over Oust.
Sideboard added, although I'm not too sure how much I like it.
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