This is amazing
Holy shit, this is really cool lol
There's only roughly 7 to 9 black tutor spells or so, and the more rare ones are upwards of a hundred dollars or so. Wouldn't say splashing black for an izzet themed deck would work too well. But Mizzex, Melek, and basically any other izzet legendary is a good commander for this theme! Be sure to google izzet copy spells, those are tons of fun.
God damnit
Yo dawg, this deck is STOOPID
Where's Obzedat? the old and new one
Strip mines >:3 And explorations or burgeoning :3
And with Reveillark, he'll summon ALL the best shit ;u;
Ooh! reveilark dat bitch.
Possible repeating kill spell? I fuckin' love it!
I like this ;u;
Ermm... Holy shit this is good XDD
This deck is fucking genious xD
Griselbrand :3
Oh okay, I see the legendary on the token now XD But can we make it so the planeswalker has to die when you put the token out?
Oh sweet Jesus I love it OUO And we can't transform Xze? ;n;
rakdos the defiler and Tragic slips are fun :3
Rakdos Cacklers, Blood Crypts, Hellhole Flailers, more Masters of Curelties amd Lor of Riots, and Exava :3
Kemba, Kha Regent as commander? I couldnt see any better choice
What the fuck is wrong with you? xD Gods work as great commanders :3
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